Chapter Three

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Friday had finally come, and I couldn't wait for school to be over. The girls didn't know, but this was going to be my first sleepover. I wasn't sure what to bring, so I brought a little bit of everything.

The day flew by very quickly. When school was over, the girls and I went to Chloe's house. Her parents were out of town, but they told her it was fine for us to come over. We practiced for a few hours until I learned both routines. Then, we hopped into the jacuzzi.

A few minutes later, we heard rustling in the leaves. We didn't think anything of it at first, but the noise grew louder and was getting closer.

"What is that?" Paisley asked trying not to panic.

Chloe screamed, "Run!"

Unfortunately, Skye tripped and fell when she got out of the jacuzzi. We didn't have time to check on her, so we each grabbed a limb, picked her up, and ran inside. There were a few scrapes on her arms and legs, but Skye didn't have any major injuries. Chloe started bandaging her up when we heard a bang on the glass door. The banging wouldn't stop.

No one knew whether it was a person or an animal, so we didn't immediately call the police.

Paisley peeked around the corner and saw that people in masks were banging on the door. Chloe covered Paisley's mouth to stifle the screaming.

Chloe called the police.

"911, what's your emergency," answered the dispatcher.

"Hello, there are people banging on my glass door. They are wearing masks and have been running through my yard. They keep peeking through the windows trying to find my friends and me," Chloe said trying not to panic.

"What is the address, and where are you now," replied the dispatcher.

"It's 3765 Moonstone Lakes Circle. We are hiding in the bathroom," Chloe whispered.

We heard rustling in the trees near the bathroom window. Suddenly, we heard another bang on the window. Paisley panicked and accidentally turned off the lights while we were running out of the bathroom. I was standing on the toilet, but I didn't realize the seat wasn't down. I went to step down, but my shoe got stuck in the toilet. Chloe pried my foot loose, but she dropped her phone in the toilet. We told Paisley and Skye to hide while we fished Chloe's phone out of the toilet. We ran back to the kitchen, so she could stick her phone in a bag of rice. A few moments later, there was a knock on the front door. No one went near the door because we weren't sure who had arrived.

"Police, open up. We're responding to a disturbance call. We caught the perpetrators." A man said.

We went to the door together carrying bats and golf clubs just in case it was the masked people. When we opened the door, there were four officers with four people in handcuffs.

The officers removed the masks and asked if we knew the people.

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