Chapter 25: My Emotions Are Naked, They're Taking Me Out Of My Mind

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Camila's POV:


The plane was coming in low, rushing towards a runway that seemed almost unreachable...

Outside the window, the 'Paris-Charles De Gaulle' airport started coming into view- The building a low-rise terminal made from concrete and glass- with a control tower suspended from the side... ugly and misshapen...

There was a jolt as the back wheels came into contact with the tarmac... The whole plane shaking as it slowed- and the tires screeching as they tried to bring the large metal box to a halt...
Eventually, we slowed to a stop on the runway, stopping next to two more planes- already on the ground- surrounded by service trucks and oil tankers.

We made our way through border control... collecting our luggage and walking through the revolving exit doors of the large concrete structure. The driver took our bags from us- taking them to the hotel and leaving Lauren and I to explore Paris...

The sidewalks were made from smooth grey stones- joined with such precision that the joins were almost invisible... Modern street lamps lit the way- aligning the paths and guiding us through the streets. There were houses and cafes on all sides made from white, grey and sandstone coloured bricks, their illuminated interiors lighting the streets even more...
The traffic went by almost without break, a constant conveyor of cars passing us as we moved from street to street...

All around us there are moments of kindness from strangers- giving us fleeting smiles and gestures of appreciation as they passed- walking swiftly to their destinations...
There was music playing throughout the city... Most of it with a repetitive, chaotic rhythm- playing an upbeat tune for every person walking past...

We walked right down the centre of the street- the Eiffel Tower emerging between the houses- as if it were skeleton of metal projecting up into the nights sky...
I tilted my head- gazing upward... my eyes more open than they could have been in the fullness of day... It was almost touching the skyline- dancing amongst the stars.

The stars were milky speckles that twirled and danced along the sky in various patterns. Each of them had its own unique shape, brightness and size- pressed against the black canvas of the nights sky...

The 4 legs of the tower were stretched far apart- made out of a dull metal- the stairs ascending up their interior...

"Do you want to go up?" Lauren smirked, taking my hand in hers...

"Are you sure Laur? We don't have too... It's getting late... And you need to get back to get ready for tomorrow-"

"-You've never been, you have to see it"  She whined, "Trust me... you won't regret it... It's amazing..."

"Ok..." was all I could say- before the clang of our feet on the steps echoed all around...
The steps were creaking and groaning in complaint under our weight. They were battered yet beautiful- twisted in an almost perfect spiral...

As we ascended the stairs, I felt the wind through my clothes- blowing with a powerful passion...
We climbed countless stairs until we reached the top... I walked across to the edge, looking down at Paris from above...

Lauren walked up behind me- wrapping both of her arms around my waist and resting her head in the crook of my neck... I sunk back into the Lauren, taking advantage of the warmth she was providing...

In her arms I felt safe... protected... with nothing to fear...and I never wanted that moment end...
I felt her whisper into my ear- the butterflies erupting in my stomach as I listened to her speak...

"I have a million things I have to say to you... and to be honest I don't know where to start... I've been trying to find the right time to tell you... and I can't think of any better time than in Paris... up the Eiffel Tower..." She began... "There was a time in my life when I was hurt by someone close to me- and it was because of that, that I told myself that I would never open up to anyone again... I told myself that I had to isolate myself from everybody around me... focusing on my work to protect myself from getting hurt... I promised myself I would never fall for anyone... but from the first moment I saw you... I fell, hard, and the more time we spent together, the more those feelings developed- and I carried on falling, harder and harder to the point where I was completely consumed by you...
In a few months, You've become the most important person in my life- and I can't imagine living a life without you in it... everyday you make me wiser, and happier, and brighter- you make me more compassionate, more humble and more open- to myself, and to others...
What I'm trying to say Camz... is that I love you... and it has made me a better person loving you... My whole heart belongs to you and always will... because I am completely and utterly in love with you Miss Camila Cabello..."

"And I am completely and utterly in love with you too Lauren Jauregui..." I said- turning around and wrapping my arms around her waist- pulling her closer... "I think deep down I've known that I've loved you for a long time...
For so long I was in denial about the way I felt for you- but eventually it was too hard to deny how happy you make me... From seeing how amazing you are at work, to how incredible you are with Sofi...
Or just the way you make me feel- you make me feel so loved, and happy- like no one ever has-
I fell in love with you too... and I don't want to imagine a life without you in it... because I know that I want to spend the rest of mine with you...
... From the beginning I think it was almost inevitable... from that first night in the office, to the time we spent together in New York and Los Angeles... there was no point in pretending those feelings weren't there... I knew what I felt... I just never knew how to say it until now...
I love you Lauren..."

"And I love you..." She smiled- as she completely closed the gap between us...

She cupped my face with her hands- leaning in and taking my lips in hers...

She kissed me softly at first- full of love and passion... But with a swift gradation of intensity she deepened the kiss- attacking my lips hungrily...

Her tongue pressed against my bottom lip and I parted my mouth slowly- giving her permission to enter... She gently ran her fingers through my hair... tugging at it gently as I kissed her even harder... She kept me close the whole time- Her thumb caressing my cheek even as we pulled away...

Still close, our breaths mingled... I clung on to her... staring deep into her eyes and she grinned at me playfully...

"We should probably go back down now..." She said, snaking her arm around my waist and pulling me close,

"Where are we going to go?" I asked...

"We can go wherever you want..."

"...Can we go back to the hotel..." I said- earning a small smile from Lauren...

"Of course we can Camz..." She smirked- as we began to descend the metal staircase down onto the street below...

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