Chapter 31: You Can Find Us Getting Down On A Beach In Dubai

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Camila's POV:

The plane had begun to feel like home to Camila, she had flown in them so often the past couple of years they had become a new normal...

Similar to the one in Los Angeles, it had the look of a billionaire's private jet, with soft white walls, luxury carpets and unnecessary furnishings. There were no rows of seats, only the most elegant leather couches aligning the two walls of the plane. There was a small wooden table positioned in front of where we were sat, with a plasma screen as large as a movie theatre situated behind it.

The engines hummed and the wind whistled- gently rocking the metal tube that hovered 30,000 feet in the air... my attention soon switched to the small woman walking towards me...

I gave the air stewardess a small smile as she brought over trays of food...
Lauren smiled, clearly seeing the shock on my face- instead of the sandwich, small square of cake and plastic cup of water I was used to, she may have well as handed over a gourmet meal...

A piece of tender meat lay over a bed of vividly coloured vegetables, with a side of glistening potatoes and a smooth sauce drizzled lightly on top... My stomach did ecstatic cartwheels as I turned my eyes upon the food that lay on top of the plastic tray- resting it gently against my lap I felt the warmth spread through my entire body...

The woman soon came back- two drinks in either hand- resting them on the wooden table in front of Lauren and I before disappearing out of sight...

"Watch a movie with me?" Lauren asked, a smile spreading across her face as I nodded eagerly. She positioned one of her arms around my shoulders, pulling me in closer to her, while she used the other to eat her food... I leant further into her-letting her encompass my body as I ate- my eyes glued to the screen in front of me...

Eventually we finished our meal and the credits of the movie began to roll...
"We're not going to land until the morning so you should probably get some sleep" Lauren whispered into my ear, pulling me in impossibly closer as I breathed in her familiar scent...

I closed my eyes and let my breathing slow as I drifted into a deep sleep...

Soon, as the night came to an end and the sun began to rise... rays of light had began to break through the blinds- infiltrating the cabin. The light woke me up- forcing me to squint as my eyes struggled to adjust to the intense brightness that admittedly contrasted massively with the pitch darkness of last night...

I was still in Lauren's arms, my head resting in the crook of her neck... However, as I began to stir, so did she- groaning slightly before kissing me gently on the forehead...

"Morning Camz..." She mumbled before she sat up completely, taking my hand in hers as she helped me get to my feet.

"Morning Laur..." I responded, hugging her quickly before she lead us down the plane into the small bathroom- letting us complete our morning hygiene before landing.

Lauren's POV:

The plane circled a couple of times before coming in to land... It was the sort of plane that anyone on the ground below would have barely noticed flying in this part of the world. There were multiple other silver planes crossing the early morning sky, their white tails left to fade with the last of dawn... we were just one of hundreds that glided through the Dubai sky...

On the busy streets, people walked in the summer heat. They were chattering and strolling like a river that was slowly flowing between the silver-grey skyscrapers. As Camila walked- her jaw was almost on the floor in awe- even I couldn't deny that its elegance and efficiency was impressive... It was some of the most precise engineering I had ever seen- and it was among some of the most expensive pieces of sky anywhere in the world.

The buildings grew right out of the concrete- perfectly mirroring the blue sky and the lazy puffs of white cloud- they towered above us as great monoliths of concrete and glass- standing tall against the skyline... We continued to walk through the crowds towards out hotel- a lot slower than we had felt the need to in Miami or New York...

Right up until we reached the door to the lobby, Camila was in awe of the city- frequently letting out comments ranging from "This is beautiful" to "We have to explore this when we get the chance" to "Laur I'm hungry..."

Even the hotel was admirable, the lobby was simplistic, spacious and clean- almost to the point of sterility... there were polished white tiles covering one half of the room- and black tiles covering the other half...

The walls of the building were a mix of white marble and glass- and they were covered with furnishings that had been allotted randomly across the marble surface... it was all unnecessary- with added lighting, paintings and ornate decorations- but it added a touch of personality to the  space.

There was a section of wooden tables and chairs tucked away in one corner of the room, and- just like any efficient five star hotel in the US- there were working desks and elevators situated along the back wall.

As we made our way through the lobby, down the corridors and into our room- we were immediately met by luxury once again. In the centre of the room, there was a carefully positioned king sized bed with luxury cotton sheets- with a small chocolate resting on each pillow. Next to it, sat a wooden desk- completely free of scratches or smudges- with a small bouquet of flowers resting on the top.

I walked straight past the large TV situated on the side wall and the sprawling leather sofa placed under it... instead of paying attention to the decor in the room I traveled without noise over the dense carpet towards the floor to ceiling windows that were aligning the majority of the walls of the room...

The room had it's own private terrace and from it, you could see the soft gold of the desert sands and the electric blue of the ocean waves... Camila was stood in front of me so, instinctively I reached forwards- snaking my arms around her waist and pulling her close.

"Imagine what this looks like at night..." I whispered into her ear, "We can come out here and look up at the stars- It'll be so beautiful..." I continued as Camila turned around to look at me- a huge smile on her face...

"I can't wait" she said, leaning in to capture my lips in hers, "Although I think anywhere is beautiful as long as I'm with you..." she winked, before she turned to look out onto the ocean once again,

"And you say I'm the romantic one..." I smiled,

"Oh you are... I just couldn't resist the urge to make you blush..."

"I'm NOT blushing..." I defended...

"Uh huh... of course Laur..." She teased, turning around to face me once again- a massive smirk on her face... "Because your really flushed cheeks are telling me something completely different..."

"I'm not blushing I'm just... hot..." I tried to argue,

"Mhm you sure are..." She grinned, placing another gentle kiss on my lips before she took my hand, leading us back into the bedroom... "And that's why love you..." She finished,

"I love you too-" was all could say before I felt her lips crashing against mine once again...

Writers note: so over the past 30 or so chapters I've been switching up my writing- from descriptive to narrative I've been changing the way I write as the story develops.

I enjoy both, and I'm comfortable with writing in either- but I was just wondering what you guys preferred? Either way I want to include more of the OT5 with a focus on camren (obviously) but I didn't know if you guys liked one more than the other?

I don't know whether to do it through speech, description, or both- but I'd rather continue with what you guys prefer- because in all honesty It's your preference as you're my audience so...

But anyways, I'll update with another chapter soon and I hope you have a good morning/evening depending on when you're reading this :)

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