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"YOU DON'T WANT to be overheard, right?" said Cedric. "I'll explain inside. Come on."

Charily, Ellis poked her head around the entryway and was greeted with the oddest-looking room she had ever seen.

It was decorated in yellow and black, like a gigantic bumble bee had been skinned and its coat now draped all across the brick walls. A pair of plush mustard armchairs—each furnished with a round velvet cushion bearing a button detail, came with a pouf to match, and was partially covered under a patchwork throw—were situated in front of a roaring fireplace, sandwiching a glossy honey oak coffee table topped with a small potted cactus. The floor was made of similar wooden boards, which gave the windowless chamber an earthy and, surprisingly, airy feel.

She wandered around, surveying the queer decor: neither was bees her preferred species of insect nor did yellow agree with her. But, admittedly, if one was prepared to overlook the offensive color scheme, it was pretty cozy. And the armchair, it was neither too hard nor too soft: this must be what Baby Bear's bed felt like, she thought as she sank into it.

A loud click interrupted her little reverie. The French doors were shut, and Cedric was lowering a heavy crossbar behind them. A great wave of apprehension washed over Ellis.

What was she thinking getting herself locked up with a boy?

Quite suddenly, she felt very hot. Her cheeks were definitely flushing, though thank Merlin for the flames she could blame. She tugged off her scarf and rolled it up, setting it atop her dragon books, as Cedric settled himself into the other chair.

"How do you like it?"

"What is this place?" asked Ellis, pretending she hadn't heard him.

"It's called the Room of Requirement," repeated Cedric. "Helga Hufflepuff was said to have created it during her time as a founder. She sought to make it a tool that could continue to help all students once she inevitably left Hogwarts. It will open to anyone who has a real need, regardless of the seeker's House or heritage, and is always equipped accordingly."

Assimilating this knowledge, Ellis couldn't help but think of something else. A secret chamber...concealed within the castle...forged by a school founder...designed to carry on tasks he or she could not...and if the stark ornamentation could count as "the horror within"...

"So this is Hufflepuff's 'Chamber of Secrets,' " said Ellis.

This remark considerably disconcerted Cedric. It certainly wasn't the response he had envisioned. He blanched, looking at a loss for words. Deciding it would be cruel not to ease the tension, and one she had started no less, Ellis broke the silence.

"What do you mean, it's 'always equipped accordingly'?"

"Well," said Cedric, dramatically relieved by the shift of subject, "it changes to suit whatever the requestor demands. For example, if you need somewhere to sleep, there'll be a bed; if you're looking to hide something, it becomes a massive storeroom. I asked for a place we can't be overheard while talking, and it gave me this."

He gestured around with obvious pride. Ellis tried not to grimace too conspicuously.

"Did you have to imagine this setup, specifically?"

"Somewhat," replied Cedric. "I was told it helps—if you have something in mind, the Room will know and it can shape itself into something that accommodates you best."

"So you could have asked for anything," said Ellis slowly, "anything at all, and you asked for yellow?"

"What've you got against yellow?" said Cedric, wide-eyed and amused.

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