The bat Cave (zeal x phil)

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Phil wakes up and smells tea. He feels a sting on his neck and he says ow and sees that there is a bandage on his left side of the neck and right side and also on his collarbone.

Phil slowly gets up the bed and and walks wobilily. He feels a bit drained and quite weak. Zeal then comes In the room and helps Phil walk to the kitchen. Zeal sits Phil down on a chair and gives him tea to drink.

"Sorry about yesterday...... I get hungry these types of days....." Zeal says a bit Embarrassed. It's been a while since he bit someone and a non animal. And Phil's blood is the sweetest thing that he ever tasted.

"It's ok..." Phil says and puts on a weary smile and sips the tea. "Sorry for going overboard...... You were too sweet" zeal says. Phil is also quite embarrassed. Phil smiles Because he likes the tea that Zeal made.

"You make great tea....." Phil says and There's a long moment of silence between them. They both don't know how to talk to each other. Now they are both Flustered Because of embarrassment. "Thanks...... Father taught me....." Zeal says and again they have a moment of silence.

"i uhh want to make it up to you...... to uhhhh thank you......" zeal says embarrassed. he has not talked to someoen and wants to ask them out on like a date thing in years and so he is very embarrassed. "i uhhh it's been a while since i talked about uhh wanting to hang out...... so i-" Phil cuts New Zealand off. "sshh i understand, must be lonely here and have not asked someone to hang out in years right? i can listen don't be shy" Phil says trying to calm Zeal down.

Phil is indeed still embarrassed about yesterday but he just does not want to remember it and would probably still let him drink his blood in the future if he gets hungry.

Zeal brought Phil to his garden which has several Kowhai trees. Phil is impressed and he likes the flowers very much. the bats also played with Phil and Phil likes them. Phil thinks that bats are cute.

"Wow, did you plant the trees all by yourself Zeal?" Phil asked cheery. "yes i did since i was all alone back then" Zeal says while holding a Kowhai flower.

"I know it hurts to be alone without anyone...... but hey at least you gave the Kowhai flowers some friends, the single seed turned into a tree and it blossomed to produce so many flowers, you made hat single seed happy and have friends so it won't be alone" Phil says and hands Zeal another Kowhai flower.

Zeal is stunned. he never thought of that but Phil is right. The trees that he planted has friends because of his single Acton to take care of them. Like if a person decides to help two people or more people become friends and make friends now have a friend from that action. they aren't lonely anymore because of that one person.

Zeal then becomes sad thinking that yes that one person made a sacrifice to devote their time and making the others not to be lonely by giving them friends but that person is still lonely, watching the people he made have friends be happy with their new friends while the main ringmaster is lonely as ever watching them be happy.......

Phil is very happy petting a bat and when he turns to look at Zeal he sees that he is very sad. Phil understands that Zeal thinks the way Phil does before. and so Phil goes up to Zeal and hugs Zeal making him very much surprised at that action. Phil then says while Still hugging Zeal from the back "No matter how lonely the ringmaster you think will be, that person will be surrounded by the happy and non lonely people he made to be, and so that person is happy to see the happiness around him, and the people he made happy and not lonely returns the favor by making him not lonely and happy as well"

Zeal turns to Phil and sees Phil's comforting and bright smile and he says as he put a kowhai flower crown on Zeal's head "So you see Zeal, you are not really lonely, and you are happy to see your flowers right? and think, You love your bats right? you brought them together and they are happy and they bring you happiness as well am i right?" Phil's words and smile goes through Zeal's head and makes him cry.

Phil tightly hugs New Zealand, Something that he really needed when he was little since he is alone here in this place, cast out........ Phil knows the pain and he is just really good at hiding his feelings of sadness. Phil makes it his objective. there are people who makes other people be happy and so they will also make others happy but if there is none then they will all be sad and would never know the love and warmth.

When Phil lost his family his mother's words kept him going strongly. Zeal is crying because he realized that him feeling alone all those times is not really always true. His bats may not be people but just animals but they accompany him and he understands them and so he is never alone. and they are family to him so him feeling alone sometimes before was unnecessary.

after Zeal recovered from crying he showed Phil the bat cave. Zeal's cave IS where many bats live but there is another cave where he first sought shelter before finding his new cave in his teen looking years.

they are in a boat and is getting pushed and pulled by the bats. Phil is very scared of the dark and he cannot see anything and so he is very scared. Phil clings to Zeal like he is holding on for dear life. New Zealand does not mind it because he likes it actually. and he is thinking of scaring Phil more so Phil would cling on to him and hug him but he tries not to because it would make him look bad for doing something like that.

Once they got closer to the place everything went brighter. Phil slowly opened his eyes and his eyes lit up in excitement. its a big circle with many holes and There are bats in every nuke and cranny. They are all looking at Phil and Zeal.

Phil is so amazed and happy to see different kinds of bats and so he almost falls int he water but Zeal catches Phil and puts his hand on Phil's waist. Phil and Zeal blushes a bit and they both stand straight.

there is a small piece of land in the center of everything and had a single big Kowhai tree in the middle. the place looks magical and beautiful because of the Glow worms all over the place. Phil is very much distracted staring at the beautiful glow worms and he flinches when Zeal suddenly bridal carries him and Zeal flies to the tree.

"You are so light Phil" Zeal says and Phil gets more embarrassed. Zeal puts Phil besides the tree. Zeal chuckles at Phil being so mesmerized seeing the glowing glow worms. "They are beautiful aren't they?" Zeal says proudly. "Yes they are....." Phil says still amazed. "I'm guessing you never saw glow worms" Zeal says and Phil nods.

"Well they are not as beautiful as you mate" Zeal says but totally gets embarrassed when he realizes that Phil was to focused on watching and did not hear Zeal. "What was that sorry i did not hear you Zeal" Phil says guilty.

"Did you know people from the New Zealand clan are called Kiwis?" Zeal says a nice smooth save. "I didn't, Kiwi..... what a cute name" Phil says with a bright smile and Zeal sighs in relief. they stayed there talking and Zeal lying while holding Phil and them playing with the bats for quite some time until they hear a growl.

Zeal immediately calls Phil and tells him that they need to leave immediately. because Zeal is sane and he isn't very hungry meaning it is not a full moon but they heard a wolf growl. They quickly left and went inside Zeal's cave and locked the door. "why what is going on Zeal?" Phil asked concerned. "just go to sleep Phil...." Zeal says a bit scared. "why?" Phil asked. "I think that was the alpha's growl,if you ever hear a wolf Phil, RUN, just run, especially when you hear the alpha, The alpha has no mercy and if you are in sight he will kill you" Zeal says

Phil is a bit terrified and just went back to the room he was in before and went to bed. Zeal was holding Phil's waist then when they heard the growl but it is impossible for anyone to see them there and for Phil to have any business with the alpha as well as Zeal. but to be sure stop everything that you are doing and just run to your home or just sleep if you ARE home and be quiet. it is a warning and if you hear the warning might be you.

It has been a while since the alpha has growled as a warning because his trusted men do the warning as usual and it is still needed to be feared of but if the alpha Growls then someone might die.

without them knowing they have been followed for quite some time now. and the eyes do not like what they see. the eyes does not like seeing his prey get touched by other predators......... who does these eyes belong to?

(Countryhuman) Deep In The Forest (My Prey) (Human Animals AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora