Crashing waves...

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A blast of cold air from the car's air conditioning nipped my skin. Completely annoyed and quite frankly, exhausted, I wiped the small trail of sweat that had formed on my forehead. I had, after all, pulled my rather heavy suitcase throughout the airport. Jason had been waiting for me inside the car, enjoying the car's air conditioning. What an ass...he could have helped me but instead had a smugly smile on his face.

Foreign music played on the background as I finally managed to put the luggage inside the trunk. Glaring at the blond, I snapped shut the door with too much force. Jason didn't even blink. I noticed he'd typed my aunt's hotel address in the car's GPS, so we were pretty much good to go. In silence but with that annoying smirk etched on his face, he started the car.


I'd just met the guy and he was annoying the crap out me.

My thoughts focused on the music blasting. It was Latin-American pop music. I understood the lyrics since Mom made me learn Spanish when I was little. For a moment, my eyes turned to Jason; I wondered if he knew Spanish as well...otherwise how was he supposed to communicate? He must have sensed me watching him because a moment later, his grey eyes turned to me. His lips turned up and I turned away rolling my eyes.

I didn't know why but he just brought out the worst of me. I hated the way he said princess. It was evident how he felt about me. He was pretty sure I was a spoiled brat who had her way all the time.

Wasn't that how I'd been acting, though? Oh...shut it...Everybody acted out from time to time and I wasn't expecting him to be so...him...

He was as handsome as conceited. Not to mention he was pretty judgmental. That was it. He didn't know me. He had no idea of who I was and yet he was judging me just for the heck of it. Just like most people. That was exactly why my only friend was Valerie; after all those years of friendship, I knew she was a real friend. Most people would be nice with me just to appear on a magazine or meet other royals...I rolled my eyes...if only they knew we were just like them. Even more screwed up. Being a public figure sucked most of the time...

I kind of wanted to snap at him, just to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. However, I needed to keep my temper to myself. I wasn't as rude as him. Besides, I could totally see how it could backfire on me if he ever chose to talk to my parents...

The road ahead was filled with tree fruits and palm trees. You could see an endless amount of mangoes and bananas hanging from the trees. It was pretty nice, to be honest.

The sun was shining brightly and I knew that if it wasn't for the car's air conditioned I would be sweating like a pig right now. Suddenly, a bright blue line appeared on the horizon.

The sea!

My lips parted as I took in the scenery. The ocean was absolutely breath-taking.  Different shades of blue ranging from the darkest blue to emerald. It was absolutely beautiful. For a moment, I kind of thanked my parents for sending me there.  But it was just for a moment, since the ocean disappeared out of sight and was replaced with large bushes and trees. The sign 'Azúcar' (sugar) appeared carved in a wooden sign.

The whole place was surrounded by exotic looking plants in different color shades. Some had striking colorful flowers hanging from them. The building was rather small for a hotel but too big for a house. It was all painted in white but the paint had worn off in different places. A large intricately carved wooden door was on the front porch above a small staircase surrounded by potted flowers.

The hot air and the distinctive sweet smell of the beach greeted me. Jason opened the car's trunk and pulled out both suitcases. As I was opening my mouth to thank him, his grey eyes turned to me. His stare was bold and deep at the same time. "Just to be clear, I'm not playing your boyfriend part, ok?" My large suitcase dropped to the floor with a large thump. "My actual girlfriend wouldn't appreciate it and're definitely not my type, princess..."

Princess in love (Royals #3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora