Adventure gone wrong

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Happy reading beautifuls...

Aanchal's p.o.v

I came out of my class with a boring expression on my face.

"Yar why life has to this much boring? Last drama hope of mine was Sabir who also got transferred himself to London university."
I threw my bag in frustration on my shoulder and hear a scream.

" Who is hell trying to make me deaf?"
I turned around gritting my teeth and saw a boy standing there with his hands on his nose.

" You just broke my nose bone!!"
He said showing his red nose.

"Oops!! Sorry!!"
I said nervously.

"Its ok but be careful next time!!"
He smiled and moved out.

"Omg how this much calm?? I would have ripped the head off of the one who hurt me like this. Any ways!! Goodness still lives in the world. Jist look at me!!"
I saod fanning myself proudly and went towards canteen.

I was searching for my idiotic friends but they were nowhere to be seen.

I sat on chair annoyingly and started tapping on table.

I was scanning whole canteen when my eyes landed on boy whom I punched by my bag.

He was sitting alone while reading a book and eating fries.

"Chap esi se kam chala lyty hain!!"
(Ok let's take him in work!)

I stood up and walked towards his table.

"Can I sit here??"
I asked innocently.

"Yes sure!!"
He smiled sweetly and I sat down with thud.

He eyes me strangely and I showed my teeth.

"So what's your name?"
I asked cupping my face and levelling it with my elbows.

"Ahad Jamal!"

"Woah!!  Nice name!!"

"What's yours?"

"I am Aanchal Malik, your classmate!"

"Nice to meet you Aanchal!!"
He smiled putting his book down.

" Are you a new student? Cause I had never seen you before."

" Yes!! It's my first day today!"
He said.

I was eating his fries all this time and now the plate was laying in front of him whole empty.

"Ohh!! Sorry let me order it for you!!"
I said smiling.

"No it's ok!! I was not eating anyways. Thankx you saved them from getting wasted."
He smiled.

I smiled and took a packet of lays from my bad and started munching on them.

"Wanna have some??"
I stretched packet in front of him.

He smiled and took chips.

We talked for sometime when his phone rang.
He excused me went aside.

" How can someone be this calm and cute? Cute? Yeah he definitely is!!!"
I was day dreaming looking at him when someone cleared theor thought behind me.

I turned my head anď saw none other than one and only Nabhan Sberdil kazi.

"Here comes the mood killer!!!"
I rolled my eyes murmuring.

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