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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."

"Life is a tragedy when seen in close up,
  But a comedy in a long shot."

"In life what you really want will never come easy."

"Life is like a book.
Some chapters are happy,
Some are sad and some are exciting,
But if you never turn the page,
You will never know what the next chapter holds."

"Life is so ironic. It take sadness to know what happiness is, noise to appreciate the silence and absence to value the presence."

"Life isn't about finding yourself,
  It's about creating yourself."

"Don't compare your life to others.
There is no comparison between the sun and the moon.
They both shine in their own ways."

"Life is an art of drawing without an eraser."

"I'd rather look back at my life and say,
'I can't beleive I did that',
Instead of saying ' I wish I did that."

"Life has no limitations except the ones you make."


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