Chapter 18: Dancing in the Rain

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America is having Marlee get Brooklyn settled in today. I actually think she might even be coming up with a fake name for her.

I can't wait to see America. I have everything set up for a spectacular dinner in the gardens. I hope she enjoys our date tonight.

I know we both wish we got to spend more time together, so we try to cherish every spare moment together.

Wow, just wow. America is walking down the steps into the gardens, and she looks breathtakingly beautiful.

"America! You look stunning!"

"Maxon, you should probably close your mouth before Sylvia sees you looking like that."

"Oh, haha sorry, right." I can't wait to have dinner, this should be a memorable night.

For dinner the chefs have prepared us grilled chicken with mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and a salad. And there are of course strawberry tarts for desert.

"How was your day my dear?" I know she doesn't like it when I call her that, but hopefully she won't get mad this time.

"Maxon please don't call me that, but my day has been good. Brooklyn will now go by the name Niki Sparks, and I heard she wants to take up a few things so that should be fun for her. How has your day been?"

I'm glad her day was good, but I don't really want to ruin the mood by telling her this is the only moment of peace I've had all day.

There's been so much going on with new alliances, the war with New Asia, and trying to find a way to eliminate the casts.

"My day was fine. About the same as every other day. Except today does seem special since I'm out here eating with you. This truly is the highlight of my day."

"Well I'm glad to be a part of that highlight." I love how just being near America makes my day one hundred times better.

"Look Maxon! It's starting to rain!" Wow, I hadn't even noticed it, but it has started to rain.

"May I have this dance my Queen?" "Why of course your Royal Husbandness." I love it when she calls me that.

This date just keeps getting better and better. All of my worries just seem to wash away at the sight of my beautiful wife dancing in my arms.
Maxon planned the perfect date for tonight, and I was so excited when it started to rain. Ever since we got married any time it starts to rain we are notified and we go outside to dance.

Hopefully Maxon won't have to do anymore work tonight so we can still be together.

Recently he hasn't even been coming to bed until I'm already asleep, so it would be nice to get to spend the evening together.

"Maxon? Are you finished with your work for the day?"

"Yes my darling. We get to spend the whole evening together."

I'm so excited for this evening, this very rarely happens.

Sorry for such a short chapter. I'll try to make the next one longer.

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