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      "Boss, there appears to be a breach in my systems." Tony Stark wakes with a start on his work bench. A piece of paper sticks to his face, which he sleepily swats off. "What?" He yawns and takes a sip from his three day old coffee. "Someone is breaking into my systemmzz-" Tony raises an eyebrow as FRIDAY appears to have been shut down. "FRIDAY?" Tony's holo screen activates and the cursor blinks as someone begins to type.

Your security system sucks.

      Tony starts to become mad. Who the hell has the balls to hack into his tower say his system sucks? Tony begins to try and back hack them, and decides to converse with them.

Excuse me? Who are you?

I go by many names.
But you can call me Mute.
Seriously though. Fix your system. Might be a problem in the future.

It's a problem right now.
How did you get in?

It was quite simple actually.
Someone wasn't on a secure sight in the tower and I rode in through the wifi.
Who even uses bird puns?

      Tony scowls. Clint and Sam were having a bird pun battle. Tony promises to bash their heads in later.

No one civilized.
Wanna tell me your name?
It's the least I can get for being hacked

Well I have to go.
Enjoy your old coffee.

      Tony stops himself from taking a sip from his coffee. He looks over to the security camera in the top corner of his room and flips it off. It shuts off momentarily, then slowly rises back into its normal position. Tony raises a hopeful eyebrow. "FRIDAY?"

"Yes, Sir?"

      Tony sighs, relieved. He looks at the screen which now was white with the bold lettering of 'MUTE' in the center. Mute. The name sounds familiar. He'll look into it later, now he has two birdbrains to kill.

      "Has anyone seen Tony today?" Steve asks as he enters the conumal floor. Natasha snorts. "The better way to phrase that question is if anyone has seen him in the past three days." As if on cue, Tony stolls out from the elevator and right over to Clint and Sam. "I'm going to kill you two." Steve jumps to his feet and puts himself between Tony and the two Avian themed heroes. "Woah, what's going on?"

      "If this is about the gym, then blame Natasha." Nat kicks Clint.

      "No. I got hacked because of one of you." Bruce raises an eyebrow. "You were hacked?" Tony nods. "They got through my system by riding in through the wifi." He glares at Sam and Clint. "No thanks to someone on an unsecure site looking at bird puns." Clint slowly hides his phone which was turned onto google. Natasha had just enough time to read '50+ Owlsome Bird Puns to Emu-se Your Friends.'

      "Did they find anything?" Tony relaxes a bit. "No that I can tell. I need to dig a bit deeper, but as far as I can tell they just looked at some files and left the system." Steve creases his eyebrows. He didn't understand a thing Tony just said. "Well that's good right?" Tony huffs and walks over to the bar. "I can't look into it until FRIDAY sweeps the system for any remaining bugs."

      "How long will that take?"

      "Too long."

      Five hours later Tony is finally able to see what his little hacker got into. He finds just basic top files opened, but as he starts to dig deeper, the worse things get. They'd gotten into their mission reports. Especially those of which involved HYDRA.

      Tony decided to take the HYDRA route. It led him through everything he had on the evil organization, and then he eventually had to hack into SHIELDs database. Every file on HYDRA had been opened and copied.

      "What do you think you're doing Stark?" Tony glances at Fury who's face had appeared on the screen off to his left. "Working." Fury raises an eyebrow. "Does your work involve hacking SHIELD?" Tony would have laughed if he wasn't starting to become concerned. HYDRA's deepest files were broken into. He even found false orders for solid files in storage to be out on the server.

      "I got hacked. I'm following the little Weasel's trail." Fury's eye narrows. "What was the name?" Tony glances at him. "Mute." Fury sneers. "Dammit." Tony stops typing to look at Fury. "You know them?" Fury nods. "We've been trying to nail them down. They've hacked into HYDRA's databases before and could potentially have enough information on how to take them down." Tony scoffs. "Well they hacked my network and got into everything we have on them." Tony points at his screen. "You too, apparently."

      Tony's screen changes.

Want some dirty secrets on HYDRA?

      Tony sits forward. "They're in my systems now. I can try and see where their signal is coming from." Fury shakes his head. "Don't bother. They bounce it off every cell tower known to man." Tony groans when he comes up with those very results. "Fine. I guess I'll play their game."

Why not?

I've collected enough information to pinpoint one of their bases.

Why are you helping us?

Why do you sit in your lab for days?

You got me there.
What do you want?

That's a very loaded question.
For now?
I want this HYDRA base taken down

What is the location?

69°54'27"N 102°23'54"E


Oh I'm sorry.
Would you have preferred I tell you what stoplight to turn at?
So ungrateful.

      The screen turns white and says 'MUTE'. Tony's supposed it's their calling card. "They gave us the location on a HYDRA base." Fury raises an eyebrow. "Get the team and check it out."

      Tony nods and leaves the room.

      "Did you find out what your little hacker got into?" Tony nods. "More than that." They all turn to him expectantly. "They gave me the coordinates of a HYDRA base." Steve stands. "Cool it Capsicle. We're going." Steve nods. Tony runs over to the elevator. "Better pack your warm undies. We're headed to Siberia."

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