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      Spencer hears the steady beat of a heart rate monitor and peels her eyes open. She's in a hospital bed and around her is the Avengers. Peter and Tony are on either side of her and she smiles. "Peter, Dad." She rasps out. They both wake up and smile. "Spencer!" Peter jumps up and hugs her. The Avengers all wake up and smile seeing she is awake.

      Spencer sits up and pulls her feet over the side of the bed. Tony gives her a look. "Why didn't you tell us you had powers?" Spencer shrugs and Peter kisses her cheek. Tony stands and claps his hands. "Alright, let's get out of this hospital room. It smells." They laugh at him.


      The Avengers find themselves on the communal floor of one of Tony's towers, all talking and joking around. Spencer is sitting in Peter's lap and the arachnid themed hero has a goofy grin on his face. Spencer laughs as she shows off her abilities to Tony. She sends a small bolt of electricity at Sam's arm and it shocks him. "Hey!" She giggles, but frowns when the elevator door opens and General Ross steps out.

      Tony stands up and Spencer hides her hands. "What are you doing here Ross?" Ross ignores Tony and looks at Spencer. "Are you feeling better Miss Stark?" Spencer and Peter stand and she nods slowly. Ross nods. "Good." A pair of arms brag SPencer from behind, ripping her away from Peter's loving touch. Everyone begins to yell in protest and Spencer tries to fight against the hands holding her.

      "Spencer Jackson Stark, you are under arrest for defying the Sokovian Accords." Her eyes widen as the guards start pulling her away. "You have the right to remain silent. ANything you say can and will be used in a court of law." Spencer jerks away from them. "Dad! Peter!" Tony and Peter can only stare with tears in her eyes as she is pulled away. Peter tries to run to her, but Natasha holds him back.


Spencer Stark will return....

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