P̶͈̅a̴̰̚r̸͉̍t̶͖̆ ̶͙͗1̶̍͜3̷̢̄

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It takes Spencer nearly two days to finish the formula. She only knew how long because everyday the man would walk in and check what she was working on. Always making sure she was doing what they wanted.

After the man leaves, Spencer rushes into action. She was nearly done with the serum and she only had a small time frame to give the Avengers a way of finding her.

She inconspicuously places a beaker in front of the camera then climbs under the table. After a bit of rewiring and coding, Spencer gets back to work. She just has to wait to see if her plan works.

Tony hadn't slept the entire time Spencer was gone. Not a wink. He thrived off coffee and a bunch of 5 hour energy drinks. The others tried to convince him to sleep, or even take a break, but Tony couldn't stop. He needed to find Spener, he just couldn't figure out why.

"Boss, there appears to be an incoming transmission." Tony glances at the ceiling. "Open it." A security feed appears on the screen and his jaw drops. "FRIDAY, get everyone down here now!"

"Did you find her?" Steve asks as everyone rushes into the room. "No, but I think she may have found us." He reveals the screen and everyone steps forward. It was Spencer. SHe was working on some sort of... something, but what really caught their attention was the blood. She was covered in blood and gauze. She was thin and looked like she had been beaten. "Oh my god..."

"What is she working on?" Bruce steps forward. His eyes narrowing at the chemicals Spencer was holding. Steve notices this. "Banner?" Bruce's eyes widen. "The serum. She's making the Super Soldier Serum." Steve and Bucky share a look. They were the only two successes. The serum was nearly impossible to replicate, just ask Bruce.

"Tony, can you track where this is coming from?" Tony attempts it, but he shakes his head. "She intercepted the transmission. We're seeing what they see. If I try to track it, they'll kill her before I even finish." Tony's eyes narrow at Spencer's pocket. "Unless..."

Tony rushes to the boxes that help Spencer's things. "Look through the boxes! We're looking for a chip, it almost looks like an SIM card, just smaller." Everyone tears through the boxes. Natasha finds a case that looks like it had a small device in the middle. "I found the case." She hands it to Tony. "That's bad right? If it's gone?" Tony shakes his head and smiles brightly. "Just the opposite."

He runs back over to his computer. "Spencer was working on something. It's intended purpose was to allow an amputee to have complete neurological control over their prosthetic." A burning sensation fills Bucky's chest. "The chip itself was a tracker. To let you know if it was in the correct place in the brain." Tony points to the empty case. "Spencer always forgets to put it back."

Natasha's eyes light up. "She has it." Tony nods and chuckles. "We can find her."

Spencer sighs and holds up the serum in front of her eyes. It was done. She had put her own genetic markers into the formula and infused it with static electricity to solidify the base. If anyone else used it, their nervous system would shut down.

The door swings open and Spencer places the serum on the table. She backs away, until her back is against the wall. The man grabs the serum and eyes Spencer. He connects it to an injector and turns to leave the room, but he looks at the serum again and notices it's odd color. It wasn't the milky blue that it was supposed to be. It was almost green.

He turns and looks at Spencer. The fear in her eyes becomes visible as the man marches up to her. She can feel his hot breath as he yells at her. When she opens her eyes, the man jabs the serum into her shoulder. She yells in pain and falls to the ground. The man takes out the button that controls the collar around Spencer's neck and pushes it.

Spencer convulses as the electricity courses through her body. The pain becomes sereal as the serum makes its way in her veins. The last thing she sees is a glimmer of red and gold, then everything becomes dark

Tony blasts the door open and fires a repulsor beam at the man tormenting Spencer. The other rush in and see Spencer lying on the floor. Tony's eyes widen at the empty injector next to Spencer. "FRIDAY scan her." Tony lifts Spencer's light body into his arms. "There appears to be a foreign substance in her system." Tony swears and blasts a whole in the wall. Light shines through and Tony blasts away to the compound.

Wanda's eye meets the injector and she picks it up. "He... He injected her with it? Why did he do that?" Natasha's eyes turn dark and murderous as they meet the groaning man on the ground. "What do you suppose we find out, hmm?"

Tony places Spencer on the medical bed just as Helen Cho rushes into the room. SHe begins her assessment over Spencer. Several doctors come in and all Tony can do is watch as they rush her off to surgery.

The others walk up to Tony who is sitting in a chair just down the hall from the OR. "So?" He sighs and shakes his head. "It's bad. Some of her wounds became infected," They pale. "They tortured her." Natasha's nails dig into her hands. "I haven't heard anything else, but I'm having FRIDAY run an analysis on the serum she made." Tony glances at Steve. "It's different from the original. There's no telling how It'll affect her."

Natasha stares down the hallway. "Tony," He looks at her. "I need to speak with you." Natasha ignores the eyes of the other Avengers. "Alone."

Tony stares at the ground vacantly. His mind had come to a halt. Spencer... She was his kid. His daughter. He was a father and his kid was a genius. He was a father and his kid was in surgery for being tortured. "Did..." He licks his lips. "Does she know?" Natasha sits next to Tony. "Yes. I think it's why she was so standoffish at first." Tony swallows a lump in his throat. "Why didn't she tell me?"

Natasha glances at Tony. He looked almost broken. "I think she was scared. SHe told me how she grew up." Natasha shakes her head. "It wasn't any good. She was abused, Tony. That changes a person." Tony sighs and hangs his head. "I just... I can't believe it. My kid. My daughter has been living with me for the past 2 months and I didn't even know it."

The corners of Natasha's lips twitch. "You should see the way you two work together." Tony looks at her. "It's like one single brain in two separate bodies." Tony smiles a bit, then his mind finds something else. "And her mom?" Natasha takes a deep breath. "You'd have to ask Pepper."

"She knew too?" Natasha nods. "We were waiting for Spencer to tell you herself."

Tony runs his hands down his face. "I should run some tests on that serum." Natasha watches Tony walk away.

All she could do now was pray that Spencer would be okay.

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