Our Boyish Queen

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Going into the room by myself setting the music trying not to think about that boy at the park.

Get him out of your mind Tai you don't need to think about him he's a bad influence.

Slowly dancing feeling the music

Wonder how good is my dance partner doubt he's any good.

Sinking deeper in my safe space right now I didn't notice two large hands grabbing me.

When he spin me around we locked eyes it was Tyler.

We didn't speak.

We use dance as our communication.

It was absolutely wonderful.

I pushed him in the chair he looked at me in shock, I quickly got on my hands and knees.

Crawling to him when I got to his knees before anymore could happen the class plus instructor was clapping.

"There you have it class that's what I expect you to feel the music don't talk to your partner dance and let things flow".

I stood up from Tyler I felt a cold hard gaze looking over the class I didn't see where it came from.

Until I looked over the window it was the guy I met from the park, I wonder what his problem is?

Our Boyish Queen Where stories live. Discover now