Our Boyish Queen

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I don't know how many drinks I took to the head but I was on fire.

Siting at the bar while Camilla dance to her hearts content while I hand a man's hand on my thigh.

Get the hell off me

"Aww my little chocolate your supposed to be nice to me"

My eyes darted straight up at the guy indeed I was met with that asshole from the park.

Ugh I can't get a brake tonight can I

"No you can't"

I walked away in a hurry going onto the floor when I bumped into him

"Are you lost baby girl?"

I rolled my eyes

Getting onto the table throwing it back while Camilla throw singles at me.

I looked up at Mr. Can't keep his hands to himself.

He bit his bottom lip coming up to me Camilla grabbed my hand.

"Let's go you have classes tomorrow and I'm not trying to get in trouble with even Steven"

I laughed yeah let's go.

Our Boyish Queen Where stories live. Discover now