vii. til death do us part

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June 19, 1511

The day was big and highly anticipated. The entire palace was up by 7 AM, but I'd been up since 4 AM being prepared for the wedding. I looked stunning in the dress, insisting on a white one, even though it was unconventional. The detail was immaculate, and it fit beautifully. It was regal, but still simple. It made me feel like a queen.

After several hours of frantic last minute preparations, it was time.

Walking down the aisle became a distant blur as soon I stood by Henry. I realized this was love. Real, true love, even if it wasn't the typical sort of it. Sure, we bonded over card games and long walks in the garden, but it brought us here, to the altar. And I wouldn't have changed it for anything.

The officiant's talking was insignificant, at least I thought so. The only thing I was paying attention to was Henry. I couldn't stop smiling, and neither could he. We were so blissful at that moment, like nothing else mattered.

"King Henry the Eighth, do you take Lady Anna Holbrook as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

He didn't hesitate to answer. I'd never seen him so sure of something, so decisive. I knew we were doing the right thing. How could we not be?

"Lady Anna Holbrook, do you take King Henry the Eighth as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes. I do."

"Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The kiss was magical. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. It was like, for once, everything was so simple. He loved me. I loved him. Nothing would ever come between us as long as our love was there.


The coronation followed the ceremony. It was a simple affair despite the room being filled completely. It went by fairly fast, though most of it seemed like incessant blabbering to me. It was quite boring, actually. I remained reasonably attentive the entirety of it, but only at the end was I truly invested in what was occurring. 

When the crown was first placed on my head, I sat a little taller. Even if the crown was heavy and hurt my head, it made me proud and happy. I glanced out into the sea of smiles from people of all ranks. Everyone was gathered for this moment.

England finally had it's queen.


The party following was filled with congratulatory comments and warm wishes. Henry and I danced for hours, and my face began to hurt from all the smiling. Everything fell into place perfectly. The day couldn't have gone any better and it was easily the best day I'd had in years.

The room was filled with vibrancy. Outside, people cheered loudly and happily celebrated in the streets surrounding the palace. But inside, not an expense was spared to make this the most glorious event in all of England, possibly even Europe. 

"How does it feel to be queen, Your Majesty?" Elizabeth asked playfully. Behind the lightness of her voice, a product of the wine she'd been sipping on, she was blatantly bitter that I was crowned rather than her. 

"There is no greater feeling than this, I think," I responded. Though I attempted to keep my voice at a level tone, I couldn't help but feel completely elated and overjoyed. 

"Then long live Queen Anna," she said, slurring her words together a bit as she flailed her arms around drunkenly.

"Long may I reign," I concluded, smiling brighter than all the stars in the sky.


published august 4, 2020

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