xi. poison

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May 5, 1512

"Your Majesty, the carriage is ready."

"Thank you," I answered, smiling.

Henry insisted on a parade around the nearby city to celebrate the unborn heir, and I eagerly agreed. I made sure to wear my most regal gown, a purple one that fit nicely, despite my pregnancy. There were only about two months left, and every day, I was one step closer to giving Henry an heir. I couldn't contain my excitement, but I was told to rest. 

With my ladies in waiting trailing closely behind me, who I'd grown very close to over the course of my pregnancy, I made my way to the carriage. Henry was waiting. The carriage was beautiful. It was gold and white, with an open top so that the people could see us.

"Anna! You look beautiful," he greeted.

"Thank you," I answered.

The carriage started moving, and I could already hear the faint cheers coming from the crowds. A smile crept onto my face. Their excitement increased my own astronomically. I was the happiest person in all of England.

"Do you know what I realized this morning?" I said to Henry, waving delicately at the onlookers.

Henry looked at me, confused.

"It's been almost a year since I came to the palace. I arrived on the 12th of May just last year," I told him.

"Really? It's only been one year? It seems as if you've been here for a long time," he said, shocked.

I nodded. We rode around for a bit, and I carefully observed the people. Little girls lined the streets, admiring me, and it warmed my heart. I'd only recently turned eighteen, and I was a queen, a wife, and, soon, a mother. It was unbelievable.

As we made our way back towards the palace, a young girl caught my eye. She had a homemade tiara atop her tufts of auburn hair, and a tattered dress, resembling the likes of mine. She looked absolutely adorable.

"Could we stop the carriage for a moment?" I requested.

The driver quietly obliged, but Henry looked at me curiously. I stepped out of the carriage, approaching her. I brought myself to her level, my dress fanning out on the ground. I smiled at her. The guards stood at a distance, but close enough to keep people from crowding around me. The crowds got quiet, filled with only whispers and gasps.

"Hello, Your Majesty," she said, attempting a curtsy. It made me giggle a bit.

"Your Majesty," her parents added, attempting a better curtsy. I acknowledged them, but turned my attention back to the little girl.

"What is your name?" I asked her.

"Anne," she whispered.

"Anne? Well, that's sort of like my name!" I replied, "You're very pretty, Anne. I love your crown. It's adorable."

She blushed, a smile forming on her face. Her parents were in shock and awe, completely taken aback. Her mother was crying a little. I didn't even look back at Henry, so his reaction was unknown to me.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," she said.

"You don't have any jewelry on," I pointed out.

"No, Your Majesty," she answered. Her smile faded to a disappointed frown. "We can't afford any."

I unclasped my necklace, and put it on her. I didn't even hesitate. I watched her face light up. The people around us gasped, some moved to tears.

"No, Your Majesty, we can't accept that. It belongs to you," her mother said between tears.

"I insist. It belongs to you now," I said.

I opened my arms, wrapping the young girl in a brief hug. She stepped back, admiring the necklace. I stood up, facing Anne's parents. Her mother was sobbing, and her father looked numb with shock.

"Your Majesty is very gracious," the father said, "We will forever remember your kindness."

"Please, let her keep the necklace. Don't sell it. That is all I ask," I told them. I looked down at Anne, waving gently. "Goodbye, Anne."

I made my way back to the carriage, smiling and waving to the people the whole way. Henry looked awestruck when I returned to his side. He was speechless.

"No one's done that before," he told me.

"Well, now I have," I retorted.

"You were meant to be queen, Anna."

I smiled at him. "You made me queen, and I can't forget that. But I must prove to everyone that I am England's true queen."

"I don't know what I did to deserve such a perfect queen to have by my side."


May 6, 1512

"Lady Aitkens."

I looked up from my book and saw a crying Elizabeth enter. Her hair looked ragged, and she looked like she hadn't slept in days. I still hadn't become used to her new title. Regretfully, I had to miss her wedding. Henry and I agreed it was much too risky, especially this close to the end of my pregnancy. It was strange hearing her new title. Just like me, she'd always be a Holbrook at heart.

"Leave us," I said to the guards and members of my household. They all quickly walked out, stealing sneaky glances of my distressed sister. I invited her to sit down, and she obliged.

"I heard what you did yesterday. It's all anyone's talking about," she said.

I ignored it, though it did make me happy inside.

"Why aren't you in Scotland?" I asked.

"He's so ugly, Anna. And he's much older than me. There's about twelve years between us!" she complained.

"Oh, Elizabeth, I'm so sorry. I tried to help you, I really did."

She started crying again, and I felt awful. I did feel a bit guilty that I didn't try to cajole Henry into convincing my parents it was an unnecessary match.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I offered.

"Well... we could try to get rid of him, although that might end badly if we're caught," she started, "Unless it was undetectable. We could use poison-"

"Elizabeth!" I scolded, "You can't involve me in this. I'm still a queen."

"If you're so sorry about not getting me out of this marriage, then you'd help!"

I thought about it. She had a point. It was partially my fault she was forced to go through with the marriage. I didn't advocate against it enough, and I knew that. I could help her, but it had to be a secret. I was willing to help her, only because that was what sisters were supposed to do.

"I'll help you," I said quietly, "But no one can know of my involvement. Especially not Henry."


published august 12, 2020

a/n: HERES A NEW CHAPTER ok why am i yelling.

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