x. holidays and new beginnings

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December 20, 1511

I was in charge of all the holiday festivities. I used that as an excuse to not see Henry. I was still a bit shaken with what had happened, but planning a Christmas ball proved to be an excellent distraction.

But, I ended up playing cards with Henry. It seemed like it was inevitable at this point. He was so determined to beat me, and I'd become so much better. The game started off silently, with the two of us only speaking when it was absolutely necessary.

"I win," I announced, placing the last of my cards.

Henry tossed his cards on the table, disappointed. "How are you doing that?"

"Doing what?"


I giggled at his annoyance. "Well, it isn't hard."

He smiled.

We sat silently, the tension rebuilding.

"Anna, I wanted to apologize," he said.

I nodded, waiting for him to elaborate.

He struggled to put words together. Then, he took a deep breath, and started explaining his thoughts, which I was so eager to hear.

"What I did was wrong, and I know that. It won't happen again, Anna," he said, "I banished the girl from court. No matter what you think, I do love you."

"I love you, too. What you did was wrong! That is why I was so upset. Not only at... that, but at how you responded to Elizabeth's request," I explained.

"You understand why I think her marriage is a good idea, though, right?"

I nodded solemnly. I did understand, and that was the most hurtful part. I wanted to help Elizabeth. For once, I wanted her to be happy.

My eyes wandered to the clock. I stood up, remembering something critical about the day. "Henry, come on! My family is arriving now!

We ran down the halls together, laughing and happy. It felt like, for a small moment, we were just Henry and Anna. No titles, no responsibilities. Just two people who had fallen in love through their mutual love of card games, chess, and England.

It seemed shocking to me that I was able to forgive Henry so easily. I'd never be able to truly forget what I saw, no matter how far back I buried it in my memories. But his apology seemed so sincere, and I truly did love him. I had flaws, and he accepted them. It only seemed right that I should do the same.

I saw all of the trunks full of clothes, jewels, and other belongings before I saw my family. Even Lucy was there, dressed in the most precious pink gown!

"Anna, you're showing already!" Beatrice squealed excitedly. I laughed at her reaction. I'd never seen her so excited over something so small.

I smiled, sharing her joy. "I'm so excited to be a mother. I can barely comprehend that this baby will be royalty!"

Henry smiled at me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. "I'm ecstatic to have a child and heir of my own."

"Do you have any names in mind?" Elizabeth prompted.


"Yes!" I announced, "Katherine for a girl." I nodded toward my mother, who shared that name. "And Henry for a boy." I looked back to Henry, who was shocked. I hadn't told him about the names yet.

Something was drawing me to the name Katherine. I thought back to the dream, unable to recall the name of the girl. Every time I almost remembered, the answer slipped away. I'd always wanted to name my firstborn, if it was a son, after my husband but when I decided on that, I was 15 and clueless. I had no idea I'd be marrying a king, let alone have fallen in love with that king. But I always knew my first girl would be named Katherine, after my mother.


December 24, 1511

The eve of Christmas approached rapidly, and the entire day felt magical, like a fever dream or a mysterious daze. I sat in front of a vanity that Mr. Holbein designed specifically for me as Sarah unbraided my hair.

"Why did you marry the king?" she asked abruptly.

"I love him, and it was the only choice I had at the time," I explained, "If I had said no, I would have undoubtedly been disowned by my family and died an old maid."

"Do you regret it?"

"No. I have grown to love and accept my decision. Being queen is not easy, and neither is being married to Henry, but I have dealt with it well for a girl of my age and standing."

"You're a lovely queen, Anna. Long may you reign."


December 25, 1511

On Christmas, I awoke like an excited little girl. Even my ladies in waiting were excited.

Henry and I exchanged presents, but materialistic presents couldn't compare to the baby we would have in seven months.

As I was preparing for the Christmas ball, I caught a glimpse of my figure in the mirror. The little bump where a baby was growing made me smile. I decided I wasn't going to obsess over having a boy anymore. I was young, and I had time to give Henry the son he wanted. I would love my child, even if it wasn't the boy I'd promised Henry.

Henry and I were the last people to enter the ballroom, with a formal announcement prior to our arrival. 

"His Majesty, King Henry VIII, and Her Majesty, Queen Anna."

We glided across the floor together. The chorus of gasps and whispers as we entered the room made me smile. I knew all eyes were on my growing stomach. We took our seats on our rightful thrones. I examined the sea of people, noting the shocking amount of young girls. They were probably hopeful of becoming the king's mistress, but they were unaware of his promise to me. I was carrying his child and I loved him, so he would obviously favor me over them. It satisfied me to know that my position as queen was secure.

"Are you happy, my dear?" Henry asked me.

I looked out into the crowd of people, then to my family, then to Henry, my head held high. I knew I deserved to be here. Everyone's smiling faces confirmed that.

"Henry, I've told you this before," I said, "I am the most happy."


published august 9, 2020

a/n: i apologize for how sad the last chapter was lol. here's some happy anna for u :) 

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