5• Unholy Matrimony (3,800 Words)

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Marriage has always been an interesting concept. Finding that one person you want to spend the rest of your life with, it's a nice thought. Not everyone agrees with it, many don't like or want commitment, while others have no choice. This was the case for Gabriel Godwind and Beatrice DeVille. Their union had been arranged since birth and they weren't about to throw away centuries of tradition just because they couldn't stand each other. After all, plenty of their family members seemed to be perpetually annoyed by their chosen partners and they had managed to live successful lives. Why couldn't they have that too? Now, in keeping with traditions, they needed to have a big ceremony. Neither of them thought so much effort should go into the party but they knew how to follow rules, so they ended up hiring a wedding planner. What they hadn't expected from this planner was the amount of energy and cheerfulness they got.

Aziraphale Fell-Crowley loved, well, love. That was the main reason he decided to be a wedding planner. He wanted to help make that special day be the most love-filled celebration anyone's ever seen. The chubby, blond man might as well be a human version of Cupid. He had only just gotten hired and he already had a long list of things needed for the party. It was impressive, no doubt, but Beatrice was more impressed with Aziraphale's husband. Anthony J. Crowley seemed to be the most efficient assistant they had ever seen.

"Angel, did you show them your last album? The one with the Shadwell renewal?" Asked the skinny redhead as he brought over the tea tray.

The blue-eyed party planner immediately perked up. "Oh, right you are, darling! My best work from last year, no doubt. And those two were unbearable to work with!"

"Well, the bride was alright. The groom was unbearable." Said Crowley as he sauntered into the next room.

Aziraphale made a face as he handed Gabriel and Beatrice their teacups. "True. Tracy's a saint, I'll never know how she deals with that man."

The scrawny man came back, the aforementioned album in hand. "Same way you deal with me. She's far too smitten to realize she's married a little monster."

The wedding planner rolled his eyes and took a sip of his tea. "Please. The most monstrous thing about you is your aesthetic. You're a big softie."

"You're killing my reputation, angel." Groaned the ginger as he slumped down onto the couch next to his husband.

"You killed it all by yourself. You stare at him like he's the most beautiful thing in the world." Said Beatrice, smirking. This was the first time they didn't look like they wanted to bury themself to get away from the wedding talk.

Gabriel's smile creeped from behind the teacup and Aziraphale quickly felt a bit of hope.


That night, as the husbands settled into bed, the blond looked very lost in thought. Crowley snapped his fingers a few times until Aziraphale was mentally back with him.

"Yes, dear?"

The skinny man pouted and glared. "I'm over here talking about all the nasty things I want to do to you -for the last two minutes, might I add- and you're not even paying attention!"

"Oh darling, I'm sorry." Said the blond softly, reaching over to pat his shoulder.

Crowley's pseudo outrage faded quickly as he settled back onto his side of the bed. Seriously, how Aziraphale hadn't noticed that his husband was nibbling on and talking dirty into his ear just a few moments ago was anyone's guess. "You're thinking about Godwind and DeVille, aren't you?" He asked knowingly.

Aziraphale sighed. "Yes. You know, today was the first time they looked like they actually might get along... Can you imagine being in their shoes?"

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