7• Be My Fake Girlfriend? (6,000 Words)

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Crowley's POV:

Today was a Friday night. Like many others before it, Antoni and Aziraphale would enjoy each other's company while sharing a bottle of wine and complaining about whatever issues they'd had over the last week. Tonight, they were in Aziraphale's home, and the skinny painter was stretched out on the old couch, while the professor sat across from her in the loveseat. In between them was the coffee-table with a bottle of their favorite vintage. They had been talking and drinking for a while now, and the redhead was looking a bit upset.

"What's got you all worried?" Asked the blonde in her usual, sweet tone.

Damn, she noticed. Might as well ask now...

"Angel, I need a favor." Sighed Antoni before taking another large gulp from her wine glass.

Aziraphale tilted her head. "Yes, dear girl?"

Why do you have to do that? You look like a puppy! Are you trying to melt me via cuteness?

"My highschool reunion is coming up. I want to go, catch up with some of my old friends, but if I show up alone, all people are going to notice is the fact that I'm single." Explained the redhead.

Aziraphale made a face which said she didn't buy that for one minute. "Oh, surely your friends don't care whether you're single or not. Not to mention, your talent. That's plenty for them to talk about. They'll love you all the same."

She drank a bit more. "It's not about that, it's just that... Look, they're all coupled up, and always end up talking about their relationships. Carmine and Raven are engaged, and Chalky and Reaper have been married since we were of legal age!"

Was Chalky legal by then or did his parents sign the papers? Whatever, not important.

The shorter woman raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, 'Chalky and Reaper'? Pardon my saying so, but your friends sound like cartoon characters." She said with a laugh.

Had I never mentioned them? Could've sworn I had, at one point...

Antoni sat up straight to grab the wine bottle. She leaned over the table to pour more into Aziraphale's glass after topping off her own. "We call Albus 'Chalky' because of his eyes. He's got some weird thing going on there, no one really knows why, but his irises are practically see through. Real sensitive to light, even more-so than me. Don't be surprised if he never takes the shades off."

The curvy blonde glared at her best friend. "And you make fun of him for his condition?!" She scolded.

"He started the joke, so it's fine. Plus, only we can call him that. Anyone outside the group gets their arse kicked." Antoni assured.

"Ah, well. If he's comfortable with it, I suppose it's fine. And 'Reaper'?"

Antoni grinned. "Their name is Azrael Grimm. Their parents were really into Halloween and spooky stuff when they were young so, why not name their kid after Death Itself? With the surname Grimm, they were already halfway there. Luckily, Azrael didn't resent them for it, they embraced it."

"And I thought 'Chalky' was odd." Mumbled Aziraphale.

You have no idea, angel.

The skinny woman snorted. "Yeah, I know right? Anyway, everyone at school called them 'Reaper' and they played along. This one year, for Halloween, they showed up with the cloak, scythe and everything, nearly gave Ms. Yu a heart attack!" By now she was having too much fun recalling old tales, because she almost spilled her wine on Aziraphale's carpet.

Ineffably Yours (Ineffable Husbands AU Week 2020)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora