8• The Yang To Her Yin (4,500 Words)

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Aziraphale Zarah Fell had always hated her soulmate mark. On her right palm, a little black tear which was shaped a bit like a comma, with a white dot near the bottom of it. It even had some tiny white specs along the length of it, which looked like stars. At a very young age, she figured out it was one half of the Yin and Yang symbol. She also learned some of the associations each side had. For example, her's was Yin, the negative half. Which means her soulmate's mark would be yang, the positive half. It had always irked her that she was considered the 'bad' one in the relationship and they had never even met.

Yes, she hated that little mark with a passion. It made her all but ignore the prospect of dating all together. For this reason, Aziraphale would cover her palm with makeup every day. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say. Another way she distracted herself was with her daily responsibilities. Aziraphale was cousin to Anathema Device, who owned 'Device & Co. Healing Crystals and Occultist Paraphernalia'. Aziraphale rented the apartment above the shop, would work there 3 days a week, go to university the other 3 and have Sundays off.

It wasn't too much of a hassle, working with Anathema. It was quite lovely, actually. They had always gotten along well, and Aziraphale's organizational skills greatly helped the shop. While a bit strange and cluttered, there was certainly nothing Aziraphale couldn't find in there. It amazed Madam Tracy, who rented he back room for her own séance clients, to no end. Some days, she'd move something to see how long it would take Aziraphale to notice and put it back where it belonged. Even if it was half an inch out of place, she'd notice and fix it. It was very impressive.

For a very long time, Aziraphale's plan to ignore her love life had gone down perfectly. That is, until that mark started to burn like salt in a wound. Said singeing was caused by one Antoni J. Crowley. She and Aziraphale had crossed paths many times at the local coffee shop, Heavenly Brew, next to Anathema's place but they had never interacted. Antoni was a barista there, almost always dealing with another customer, or on her break whenever Aziraphale came in before work. This time, she took her order, and when she charged her and took her money, they both yelled and flinched away in pain as soon as they touched.

Antoni dropped the money onto the counter and gripped her hand, as did Aziraphale. Several other customers looked concerned, assuming there was a slip up with a hot beverage. Both women were staring at their hands, realizing what had just happened. Aziraphale's makeup had gotten smudged when she first squeezed her palm, thanks to this, she could see that her Yin finally had a matching Yang. Looking and feeling absolutely terrified, Aziraphale ran off.

Antoni was still frozen in the same spot when her manager, Gabriel King, came to investigate what had just gone down and caused a scene in his establishment.

"Everything alright here?" Asked the tall man with purple eyes as he was joined by his wife, Carmine, the owner of the coffee shop.

The skinny redhead shook her head. "No. Not quite."

"What happened?" He had never seen Antoni react this way. It was rather strange, and he was growing more and more concerned with every passing second she didn't behave like her usual self.

She was staring at her palm now, her other hand tracing the new Yin next to her Yang. "I just met my soulmate..."

Carmine and Gabriel shared a knowing look, the shop owner approached Antoni and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "This sorta thing doesn't happen every day. Take the rest of the day off, hon. So you can process this properly and safely, away from anything scalding."

The skinnier redhead was about to argue, but she knew her boss was right. She gave a small nod, went to the back to leave her apron in her locker, grabbed her things and left Heavenly Brew without another thought.

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