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Kaine sighed as he looked over at his husband who was still pouting. They'd moved from kitchen after deciding on Lukas' punishment, but Cerin was still mad about it and Kaine was starting to lose patience.

"You're seriously mad at me right now?"

"Darling you would know if I was mad, okay?"

"Ah, so you're just being a twat then?"

"Fuck you."

"What do you want me to do, start rewarding bad behavior? He'll walk all over us!"

"He's scared."

"I can literally smell fear, that wasn't fear. That was a little brat trying my patience the same way you're trying it now. The only difference is I won't take you over my knee."

"Cuz you know better."

"No, because I know you'll like it."

Cerin blushed and sent a furious glare at Kaine but the latter knew that the only reason he had red eyes staring into the depths of his soul was because he was right. He smirked after a moment when he saw that Cerin was blushing while he barked insults at him that only fell upon deaf ears.

"Hmph", he said with a pout as he felt Kaine's arm wrap around his shoulder and pull him close. He tried to maintain his angered persona but in his arms he was putty and began to relax.


"No, I'm still mad at you."



"Because I'm disciplining Lukas?"

"Because you won't let me go see him!"

"Because I know for a fact that you'll just go in there and coddle him and make it seem like everything's okay when it's not."

"N-No I won't!"

"Yes you will. I know you want to go in there and make him feel better but if he sees that we're lenient on bad behavior he'll take that and run with it. Is that what you want?"


"Do you trust me to do what's best for him?"

"Of course I do I just...I don't want to screw this up. You know how my parents are and I don't want to be like them."

"And you won't be, you'll be a good father. One that's fair, loving, and extremely protective. Maybe a little violent at times."

"Just a tad", he said with a smirk as he leaned back and kissed his hubby. "I love you."

"I love you too. Both of you."

"Aaaaaaaaw, look at you two being all gay~", remarked Cara as she emerged from her room. She'd left when they had started arguing due to listening to marital troubles not being on her to do list. "You know, I think there's a certain someone that could do with a little love and affection, don't ya think?"

Kaine rolled his eyes when both pairs of puppy eyes fell on him. "Fine", he said with a sigh, "Go get him, but if he's mouthy he's going right back."

"Deal, although I don't think that'll be the case. I am the cool aunt after all~"

Both the men snorted as they watched her strut away to get Lukas, but when her ear splitting shriek rang throughout the house their smiles disappeared as they instantly appeared by her side. The room was empty save for a soiled diaper that sat just beneath an open window.


The Lycan was already growling as he launched himself through the window mid-shift and tore off into the night, leaving the siblings there in shock and fear for the worst.

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