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The next morning was spent in uncomfortable silence as everyone reeled with Lukas' escape attempt. Cerin and Kaine were up before anyone else in the house and made breakfast since they had nothing else to do, and when Cara came out of her room her twin removed himself to go and get Lukas who was already up. The boy was changed in silence and then carried into the kitchen for some much needed food that he only managed to pick at due to his overwhelming feelings of guilt.

When breakfast was over the table was cleared and everyone went their separate ways. It wasn't until it was around lunchtime that the married couple came out of the guestroom fully dressed. Cara was watching TV on her couch when she was approached by Kaine who could only watch as his husband exited the house without a word. There was just nothing to be said at this point.

"Is know?"

Kaine shrugged as Cara entered the kitchen and leaned against one of the counters. "He hasn't said much today."

"He hasn't said anything today and that's the troubling part."

"Can't blame him, last night was...something."

"Are you okay?"

"Of course, it's what I was made for."

"You know that's not true, you're not-"

"Can you watch Lukas for us today? Something tells me that I'm gonna need all of my attention to be focused on your brother."

Cara sighed but relented nonetheless and watched as her brother-in-law left after Cerin. Now it was game time.

Cara POV:

As soon as Kaine left the house I muted the TV and ran back to the guestroom just in time to see a certain someone getting out of bed. I knew he hadn't been sleeping, I'd known the moment they left him alone in the room. After last night I wasn't taking any chances with him.

"Trying to run off again?", I asked as his feet hit the ground. I must've really startled him because he jumped right back into bed and covered himself up. Like that would stop me, "Luuuuuuuukas, come on out of there."

At first he didn't move a muscle but after a couple minutes he came out and looked up at me with his big blue eyes. If it wasn't for last night I would've found him to be irresistibly cute, especially with his bed head, but now all I saw was a little troublemaker that I had to keep my eyes on at all times.

"What were you doing out of bed, Lukas? Your parents thought you were asleep."

"They aren't my parents..."

"Oi, don't give me any lip, okay? I had a hell of a night because of you."

"You didn't have to come looking for me, none of you did..."

"I know humans aren't the brightest, but wow you really are dense, kid. If you can't see that they actually care about you-"

"They kidnapped me!!"

"They rescued you!! You would've been nothing but a bloody stain in the dirt if it wasn't for them!!"

"I didn't ask them to do that!! They should've just let me...just let me go."

"Is that what this is? You wish they would've let you die? Why?"

No reply.

"Lukas, why?"

"It doesn't matter, just let me use your bathroom and I'll stay in here for the rest of the day. I won't bother you."

"Oh I know you'll stay in here because your parents, my brothers, grounded your little ass for that stunt you pulled last night. And no you may not use the bathroom because that is what your diaper is for."

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