Ryan Yerbury

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You smiled as you heard your phone buzz, walking over to the charging stand, you smiled hoping it was from Ryan. To your delight, it was.

7:09 PM

Just on my way. Want me to pick up takeaway?

Hope you had a good day. Yes please, your choice x

Does fish and chips sound good?


I'll be home at 7:30

I'll see you soon, love you

Sitting down on the sofa, you frowned in confusion; usually after work Ryan was willing to talk more, maybe today was stressful, you told yourself, flicking on the TV.

You were almost falling asleep when you heard the door open, you checked the time and saw it was 8:37pm, it didn't click right away but you registered it had been over an hour since Ryan had said he was coming home.

"Hey" he said weakly, putting down the food and taking off his shoes,

"Hi Ryan" You had meant to sound slightly annoyed, but you realised it just sounded cold

"Oh", he didn't come over and give you a kiss like he usually did and instead walked to your shared bedroom and shut the door.

Sure, you were a bit mad he came home way later than he'd told you and didn't bother to let you know. But you realise that your words had sounded harsh. So you decided that you would give him 5 minutes to cool down then go and talk to him.

It was now 8:45pm and you decided it was time. Opening your bedroom door, you saw Ryan's sleeping figure wrapped in the sheets. You noticed the box of tissues that you usually kept in the bathroom were sitting on the bed with him and that a few loose ones were strewn across the floor. You climbed into your side of the bed and turned to face his back, running your fingers lightly down his back, you felt Ryan stir,

"Hey" you said softly, making sure you introduced your barely spoken argument softly, in case something had happened at the beach,

"Y/N, you know I love you and would do anything for you or to help you?" Ryan said, turning over to face you

"Yes, and I would do the same" You replied lying down, and placing your face next to his

"Well, I just wanted to reassure myself that you knew" he said softly,

"Did something happen at the beach today? You don't have to tell me if you don't want though" You probed gently

"Yeah. Well, I was just about to leave, that's when I texted you, and then Mouse saw someone go under just before putting down the shutters. Only him and I were left so we had to quickly unlock the can ams and get down to the water. When Mouse got to her, she was gone" by then a few tears had slipped down his cheeks,

"I just feel so guilty we couldn't save her" you wiped away the tears with your thumb and brought him closer,

"Ryan, it was not your fault. It was after hours, you were tired, all equipment was locked away and you tried your absolute best. It is definitely unfortunate, and I wish her family well, but don't beat yourself up about it, babe, okay?"

"Okay" he whispered his reply quietly, "Thank you, I love you"

"I love you too. Now get some sleep and we can talk in the morning. Sweet dreams" you gave him quick kiss, as to not prolong the time before tomorrow

(25th/26th August)

A/N - I had trouble with this chapter but I finally did it! I will be getting onto the requests, so keep sending them!! Also, the last park about prolonging time before tomorrow etc., i meant so they could talk and do what they want.

hope that made sense??? :)

Also, I was trying to publish this chapter yesterday but wattpad wasn't syncing, so just letting you know i will be publishing heaps today!

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