Dylan (Milky)

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The day had worn you out and now all you wanted to do was go home, have a shower and sleep. You huffed as you walked into the changing rooms and sat down, unexpectedly, Dylan opened the door and came in,

"Hey" you said, exasperated,

"Hey Y/N, you tired?" He said, smiling and walking to sit next to you,

"Oh my gosh yes!" You both laughed, "how about you?"

"Yeah I'm fine, had tower duty after lunch so I got to rest" he responded,

"Well, it was nice chatting to you Dylan. I'm just going to go get my phone from the tower, see you tomorrow!" You said, standing up and going to the door,

"Bye Y/N"

You smiled one last time and turned around to open the door, but it wouldn't budge, you could hear the lock still firmly in place.

"Hey Dylan?" You asked, turning around you couldn't see him and assumed he had gone to get his stuff from the lockers,

"Yeah?" You heard him faintly respond,

"Did you happen to flick the lock when you came in?" You called,

"Not intentionally but maybe by accident" he suggested, returning to the main changing area,

"Well we're locked in here for the night, unless you have your phone?" You two had been on pack up duty and were the last lifeguards to leave so no one would be entering after,

"Ugh, no. I left mine in the tower too" He came back around the corner, an apologetic look on his face.

You both sighed and sat back down on the bench, it was going to be one long night.

30 minute time skip bc I lazy —

"So Dylan, any special ladies in your life?" You probed,

"No, I've been mainly focusing on work and haven't had that much time for romance" he said matter of factly, "I have had my eye on someone though"

Your heart sunk a little, because you had developed a crush on him in the past few months,

"Oooh who is it?" You said playfully poking his sides,

"It's you"

all the laughter stopped and everything suddenly became serious, you leaned slightly closer to him and your lips were almost touching his, you stayed like that before he pressed his to yours. It was a gentle and kind kiss, something you could definitely get used to. But unfortunately, you needed air to breathe and had to break the kiss,

"Dylan, I really like you too" You said after catching your breath,

"Then lets make it work; Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" He asked,

"Of course" You reattached your lips to his and it just felt right, when suddenly the locker door burst open and Reidy sauntered in, startling you both,

"Ha! Now I'm glad I forgot my keys!" He laughed,

"Reidy! I am both happy and mad to see you!" You exclaimed rising from your seat,

"Well I'm glad I came in before babies were made" he said jokingly,

"Reidy!" You both yelled,

"Haha! I'll leave you to it!" He said leaving, but not locking the door,

"Let's go" Dylan suggested, taking your hand and leading you out of the changing rooms.

(29th August 2020)

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