Chapter 4

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A man closes his eyes when he hit the wall, Byeon holding his clothes and it is with three other men so he can't escape.

"Take it!" He gave his wallet to Byeon so he let him go.

"Go away. I told you not to show up, right?" Byeon asked laughing, he kicked it before it ran away.

He showed the money in the wallet he had gotten, "Is it okay?" He asked his comrades. They nodded and smiled.

"What if that one complains?" One of his companions asked.

"Don't worry, it's easy to make a story." Byeon replied.

They were about to leave but because a man blocked their path, they stopped walking.

"Who are you?" Byeon asked the man in the black jacket and cap. Johan looked at him and Byeon saw the fierceness of his eyes.

"I saw what you did." Johan said coldly.

"So what?" Byeon asked.

Johan lowered his gaze to Byeon's shoes, "Hand them over." Johan replied.



Jiwon walks out the gate with his friends Somi and Taehyun.

"Won't Byeon go along? Where is that man again?" Somi asked while drinking chocolate milk.

"He didn't finish his last subject again." Taehyun replied. He held his head as he followed Somi and Jiwon.

"Let it go, he has his own life." Said Jiwon.

"What if he gets hurt again? You know that one, he's very stubborn. Next time someone will complain to him again." Taehyun said worriedly.

"Whatever happens to him, he needs to learn. He is the one who makes his own mess, let him handle himself." Jiwon hurried to walk.

"She wasn't like that before, now she's very serious." Somi whispered to Taehyun.

"Taehyun!" A man running towards them called, Jiwon stopped walking to hear what he had to say.

"Byeon, beaten by a man!" The man chased his breath

"Isn't he with you?" Taehyun asked.

"I ran away to let you know! He got my limited edition shoes!" His answer once left in front of them. It has no shoes while running away.

"Let's find him?" Somi asked. Jiwon turned around and followed the two of them.

In an alley they found Byeo lying and there are bruises. Taehyun and Somi approached Byeon and the other two with him.

"Hey!" Jiwon calls the man away carrying the shoes he got.

"Are you the one who did it?" Jiwon asked. It stopped walking and removed the cap on its head.

And for some unknown reason she suddenly thought of her dream repeatedly interrupting her sleep.

"J-----" Jiwon called a name but it was not clear nor she didn't know what name she said.

As she approached the man she had called, the man turned to her and opened his arms to embrace her.

Johan turned to her.

Jiwon's knees suddenly weakened as if at any moment she would kneel for some unknown reason, her heart pounding fast when their eyes met.

"J-Jiwon?" Johan smiled when he saw her, he almost cried because of what was happening.

Chasing Jiwon Park [ Lookism / Johan seong ]Where stories live. Discover now