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"Look at that star! It's just like me, blinking." Johan said, he was standing  next to Jiwon as they watched the sky.

Jiwon look at Johan's body, it's blinking.

"Yeah, you are like a star. I feel relieved when I'm looking at you." Jiwon replied while looking at Johan watching the stars, he's like an angel, "I wish that star will last forever, I wish we still have the chance to be together." Jiwon smiled as she watched Johan's gentle face.

She still managed to smile even though tears are forming in her eyes.

"The star will disappear by the time the sun comes up, just like me when the time comes. Just remember one thing...I love you. The stars knows how much I love you and how much I want to be with you." Johan turned to her and with the smile he showed he almost destroyed her whole being.

"This maybe a fiction but my love for you was real." Jiwon couldn't speak because of what he said, she just smiled and cried even more. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she couldn't help but hug Johan.

"Don't go!" Her voice almost cracked because of sobbing.

"I don't have a choice." He also hugged Jiwon tighter.

"I will miss every inch of you." He kissed her forehead, down to the nose, until he reach the lips.

"I love you." Jiwon cried even more and held Johan tightly to his clothes to stopped it from disappearing.

"Johan! No!" She held Johan tightly. She could feel the tears falling from her head, Johan was crying but they could do nothing.

"I love you, Johan! Isn't that enough for you to stay?"

"Sorry, Jiwon." In an instant Johan disappeared in front of her and it turned to ashes flying into the sky. She tried to chase it and take it but she didn't make it.

It was as if her soul had left her when she fell to the ground and knelt down. She was weak and shed many tears.

"No! No! My Johan! Come back! Don't leave! Please!" She almost beg for nothing. She looked around hoping to see Johan but it wasn't there. She hurt herself because maybe she was just dreaming but nothing was happening, she just added other pain.

"Somi!!! Wake me up!!!" Somi heard Jiwon calling her name so she entered the rooftop. She ran towards her friend.

"What happened? Why are you crying again? Where is Johan?" Somi asked worriedly.

"Somi, wake me up please. I don't like this. I want to wake up if it's all just a dream." Somi hugged Jiwon because she didn't know what to say.

"You're not dreaming." Somi whispered.

Daniel entered the rooftop and looked at the two, he looked around and he didn't see Johan.

"Bring Johan back, please! Wake me up!" Jiwon shouted, still unable to stop crying.

Daniel was saddened by what had happened and approached the two.

"I didn't expect him to disappear so quickly."

Jiwon just kept crying while Somi sympathized with her. Daniel noticed something from the ground so he approached and took it.

"He left his wish bracelet." He said. Jiwon let go of Somi's hug to glance at Daniel.

"What he asked must be granted." Daniel added.

Though struggling, Jiwon stood up and took the bracelet from Daniel, she looked at it and hugged it tightly. Daniel hugged her to ease her pain.

Chasing Jiwon Park [ Lookism / Johan seong ]Where stories live. Discover now