Chapter 14 - Embarrasment

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October 9th, Sunday - 1977

When we got back, after quickly slipping into Laurie's room to place my stuff I quickly fled, down the window. So, within an hour I was walking around the woods of Point Place aimlessly and a wee bit lost. Which is unfortunately to be expected. The goal? Avoiding the situation at hand.

It's not nearly as easy as I would like it to be considering even my mind travels back to them. Eventually I came across the river that Jackie fell into during the eighth season when Hyde was a total jackass. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how long I've been walking around. Crouching down near the river I pick up a small stick and begin to trace against the sand with it when I hear a branch snap in the woods causing me to freeze in place and listen silently.

"Jackie." I hear Eric yell loudly, followed by Steven's voice shouting my name as well.

With a small sigh I turn around, I didn't want to have to talk about this yet. My transmigration somehow caused the whole series to go awry and I'm not sure how to deal with that right now. Of course, there are some good things about that but it also means that aside from maybe causing Laurie to have a better relationship with her family.

"Jackie." Steven's voice rings through the woods loudly. "Where are you?"

As I walk towards where I hear their voices I hear another twig snap, but it's from the direction that I was aimlessly walking in. Turning around quickly I see a shadow in the trees for a moment before it's gone just as Eric and Steven's shouting begins to get closer.

Walking past a tree I accidentally bump into someone, instinctively the first thing I do is close my eyes, yell. I feel their hand wrap around my wrist. "Jackie?"

Opening my eyes I look up quickly to see Eric looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I feel my face turn beat red. Okay, so taking a late night walk to try to sort myself out wasn't advised I guess. But walks always used to help before I died.

"Eric." I mutter embarrassed as I glance at the ground, thankful for the darkness as I hope he can't see the embarrassment on my face. "What.."

"Hyde." He shouts, his eyes watching me closely as he holds my wrist gently. "She's over here."

"What the hell was she doing out here this late." We both hear Steven say in frustration as he walks into the clearing before he stops and looks between us both. "Jackie, are you alright?"

Nodding my head quickly I answer. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"We got a bit worried when Laurie said that you left through the window." Eric says as he turns towards Steven.

Steven hums in response as he takes s step closer towards us both, his hands casually in his pockets. "And your undeniable ability to attract trouble."

"And your complete lack of direction." Eric adds as he tugs me beside him as Steven steps into space on the other side of me. "Doesn't help."

"I was just thinking." I mutter as Steven puts his arm over my shoulders as we begin walking, most likely back to the Forman's.

"About sleeping with us?" Steven asks with a grin as I glance at him and roll my eyes.

Yawning I shrug my shoulders. "Not in the having sex way.."

"We know. Trust me, we know." Eric says with an awkward laugh, his mother is shinning through his personality there. "We mean in the actual sleeping way. You seemed uh.."

"Embarrassed." Steven finishes with a small sigh as we keep walking to where the Formans live. "But neither of us minded you sleeping beside us you know? It's cool man, don't worry about it."

"Yeah. It was cool and uh.. it was awesome." Eric begins to ramble on as I glance at him with a small smile as I move my wrist from his hold and slip my hand around his.

"So, what do ya say to a date?" Steven adds when we see the street light of the Forman's. "The three of us."

"You know that we can't go public with this." Eric mutters with an eye roll. "They'll lynch all three of us for a polyamory relationship that also includes homophobic activities. What do you think they'll do to Jackie if they find out? Or us?"

Steven sighs as his hold tightens around my shoulders and he glances at Eric. "Yeah, fine. So what? We just hide it and take turns being out in public with her? They'll call her a whore or a slut and well, they won't care about us doing anything, but her?"

"We could disguise it as us simply hanging out?" I suggest a bit timidly as I try to figure it out as we quietly walk into the basement of the house.

I notice that the light in one of the rooms in the Pinciotti place is still on. "You both are actually interested in a three way relationship? I wouldn't be like a uh... a."

"A way to hide our relationship?" Eric responds in a whisper.

I nod, both of them shake their heads as we walk towards the couch and sit down, me between them both. "Oh no Jacks." Steven says with a grin as he pushes up his avatars with one hand. "We just want you to be with us."

"Of course you don't have to be." Eric says with a frown. "But uh.."

"We both want you to be with us. We just need to be careful so we don't get caught." Steven says, with the word caught being more pronounced.

"And having to hide it is half the fun." I say jokingly as I grin at them before frowning again. "Why do I feel like we opened the can of Drama?"

Crap, would either of them believe me if I told them I'm not Jackie? Unlikely, it's not like That 70s Show has any supernatural elements to it. They would probably think I'm joking or that I've gone crazy, or that I'm trying to fool them or make them seem like idiots.

"Because, drama is our middle name Miss Burkhart." Eric quips with a grin, much like his Predator's character that he played.

Creepy, yet in its own way oddly attractive as well.

"It's no fair you both get Yackie." We hear Fez say from the shower next to the couch as he starts to babble. "But I desire Kelso and Kelso is a slut to Yackie.."

I feel my eyes widen and see Steven's and Eric's do the same as we quickly turn and glance at each other in surprise. "Fez?"

"Fez man?"

"Yo Fez." I mumble with a yawn as I turn and place my head in Eric's lap and my legs in Hyde's.

"You can't tell anyone about this fez." Eric says as he begins to stroke my hair gently.

"We mean it fez." Steven adds as he suddenly nods.

"Ya, ya. I know, your people aren't as open as my people." Fez begins to say, a pout in his voice as he does so. "Hey, maybe we can move to my island.. but no candy..or porno."

The boys chuckle as I begin to doze off.


For some reason I am getting the urge to make this a crossover with something eventually.

I have no idea what it would be with and I'm not entirely sure why.

I probably won't do it, but it's a slight tiny tiny possibility.
Not a huge one, but it's there.

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