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AS YOUR SHIFT WAS ABOUT TO START, at 4:30 pm, you looked through the fridge for something to snack on.

"Damn it, Oji!" You cursed under your breath as you noticed he left his dinner. He always ate while he coached, so you prepared him food to take.

You grabbed the container.

Should I close the store for an hour and give him his food? Or let him return home in a bad attitude because he didn't eat?...

a few moments later

I can't believe I'm closing the store for a while just to drop off his damn dinner.

You walked up the side walk towards the high school. It was only a five or so minute walk, so it wasn't necessary to take a bus.

After a few minutes, you arrived to the school.

"I'm assuming he's at the gym..." You whispered to yourself, examining the area. You heard the faint sound of squeaking shoes.

You followed the sound, leading to a large cement building.

"5 more minutes of warming up!!"
"Yes coach!"

There you are!

You skipped to the entrance, stopping at the doorway.

"One more, Kageyama!"

You glanced over at Hinata who was running towards the net. You watched as Kageyama set the ball, and Hinata push off his feet.

"What the-" You whispered, as you witnessed the orange hair boy jump higher than you could imagine. He swung at the ball, hitting it swiftly onto the other side of the court.

"Yeah!" Hinata cheered as he landed back on his feet. Kageyama glanced over at you, who's mouth was practically on the ground.

"It's Coach's niece." Kageyama mumbled, lifting his chin in your direction. Hinata turned around and smiled.

"Hi y/n! You came to watch our practice?" He beamed, jogging towards you. The boys turned their attention to you.

"Woah. Who is that?" A silver-haired boy asked one of his teammates quietly.

"H-Hey, Hinata. I just came by to give Oji his dinner..." You explain, scanning the gym. You noticed Ukai sitting on one of the benches, looking down at his notes. Next to him were two girls and another man.

You stormed towards your uncle and stood in front of him. You tapped your foot, waiting for Ukai to look up.

"Hm?" Ukai hummed as he noticed a familiar pair of sneakers at his feet. "Y/n! What are you- The store!-"

"You left your dinner, moron. And I don't like it when you come back to the store in a bad mood." You handed out the container of sauced noodles and a pair of chopsticks. "And don't worry. I locked it up, so no one will break in."

"My food! I totally forgot. Thank you, your the best." Ukai cooed as he eyed his meal. You rolled your eyes before bowing to the other 3 people on the bench.

"Sorry for the interruption." You softened your toned. One of the adults waved his hands around.
"No! It's all right!" He said innocently.

"While your here, meet the team!" Ukai stood up and wrapped his arm over your shoulder, facing you towards the team. You didn't realize it, but they were all watching you. They weren't even warming up anymore.

You felt your face flush. "Besides, you need friends." Ukai whispered in your ear. You growled, opening your mouth ready to insult your smart-mouth uncle, but he spoke before you could.

"Boys, there's someone I want you to meet!" He shouted, waving the boys over. The team jogged towards you, only making you even more nervous. Your eyes immediately landed on Blondie.

What was his name again? Tsushi? No...

You then remember the embarrassing encounter last time, when you held on to his lunch as your babbled about his height, making your face turn a lit shade of pink.

"This is my niece, y/n!"

-', ✎ notes ꒱ ↷🖇🥛

sorry the story is going a little slow!
it will pick up soon!

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