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"SMILE FOR THE CAMERA!" Ukai held up a camera, flashing multiple pictures. Caught off guard, you winced at the bright light. "I already hate this." You mumbled, walking over to your school bag.

"You're going to have so much fun! Don't be nervous!" He smiled, clicking through the blurry pictures he just took.

"I'm not nervous. I just hate people. I hate this uniform. I hate school. I hate-"

"Okay, okay, we get it. You hate a lot of things. But give it a chance. Don't walk in with a sour attitude!" He said as you walked towards the front door of the store.

"I'll try. Please don't forget your food for this evening." You reminded Ukai as you walked out the store and down the sidewalk.

"Good luck, mei!"

You scrolled through your phone as you walked towards the school. You opened your notes app and reviewed the tips you jotted down;

- don't talk till your spoken to (u suck @ social cues)
- avoid eye contact
- don't get bullied this year...pls
- don't overshare (could be used against you later)
- eat in bathroom for lunch (to avoid large crowds)

The sound of kids chatting and shouting started to get louder. You looked up and noticed you were already at Karasuno.

"Yeah, I'm not doing this." You mumbled. As you were about to turn around and walk back to the store, you noticed two boys walking your way.

It was Yamaguchi and... Tsukishima.

"God-fucking-damn it!" You cursed under your breath, speed walking towards the school building.

You're lucky, Ukai.

You made it to the door. As you opened it, you were slapped in the face by the cold, air conditioned atmosphere. Students were rushing up and down the hall. You felt your heart drop.

"Class 1-4, 1-4...1-4...." You whispered as you walked down the hall. You found the door with the sign 1-4 written.

You took in a deep breath. "Here we go."

You walked inside the classroom. There was only about 7 students in the room. Most of them were out of their seats, chatting with each other.

Perfect. Everyone is with their clique. No one is going to try to talk to me!

You walked towards the back corner, sitting down in a seat next to the window. You quickly pulled out your notebook and started to doodle, so it looked like you were busy.

After a few moments, you noticed 2 pairs of shoes standing by your desk. It looked like they were facing you.

"You're in my seat."

-', (notes) ꒱ ↷🖇🥛

looks like you failed your last tip

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