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"Hello? This is Jungkook how can I help you?" Jungkook answered politely.

"Hey," a muffled Taehyung said. He had just woken up from a nap to an alarm he had set up about one week ago.

"Yes. How can I help you?"

"This is Taehyung. I'm a student that goes to your school. I saw your advertisement and wanted to know if we could meet up for a tutoring session?"

Jungkook muted the call and started breathing heavily. He couldn't get past the "this is Taehyung" part.

Holy fuck.

"Hello?" He added when he didn't get a response.

Jungkook unmuted the call and cleared his throat. "Yes-yes. I-uhh-give me a second." He shakily said digging through his book bag.

Taehyung sighed rubbing his eyes. He yawned laying back down. All he was hearing was a bunch of noise and Jungkook's grunts every now and then.

He wasn't sure what was going on, but he didn't pull away either. It was sort of satisfying?

"Okay. I got my agenda." He breathed heavily.

"Okay so when are we meeting up?"

"When do you want to meet up?" Jungkook asked. He looked down at his schedule and noted all of the boxes were blank.

The only thing he had written so far was "hang out with Yoongi after school". He didn't have many things to do.

"I'm free next Thursday after track practice. Around seven."

Jungkook cleared his throat yet again. "Let me check my schedule...yeah! I'm totally available. I've got you down at seven. Can I-can I have your last name?"

He knew his last name. Who didn't? He was only trying to play it cool. "Kim." He responded with another yawn.

"Okey dokey." Damnit Jungkook. This was his first student and he was saying stupid shit that might make him regret it.

"Yeah. Okay bye." He quickly said hanging up.

Jungkook put the phone down and grinned excited. Apparently not everyone had thought his advertisement was dumb.

He felt very accomplished.


"We always go for Sushi on Wednesday's." Namjoon said offended.

Jimin pulled up into the parking lot and sighed. "Yes Namjoon but I've already told you I have to meet up with Yoongi again."

"What about our sushi date? What about me? What about my heart?"

"Taehyung is still going. Isn't he?"

"Yeah, but it's not the same. I need both of you there."

"It'll be okay."

"No it won't. It's going to feel like I'm missing my right testicle."

"Geez. It's not that big of a deal. I have to go."

"Fine. I guess you don't care about my balls. Bye."

Jimin put his phone up and then glanced at himself in the mirror. It was a habit. He then grabbed the notebook with the pen and headed inside.

As soon as he walked in he removed his sunglasses and looked around. There he saw Yoongi sitting in the corner. He was drinking from a mug. Which he assumed was mint chocolate.

This time he wore a white t-shirt with a jean jacket and black jeans. It was totally opposite of what he wore the first time they met up.

Yoongi soon made eye contact with him as he approached the table. They kind of had similar outfits today making him feel some type of way.

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