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Yoongi sighed tapping his pencil against the psychology book. He was trying to focus on the essay he was suppose to be typing.

It was for his online college course. He was very good at psychology 150. The essay was super simple. It was about the personality theory.

Yoongi knew this like the back of his hand. He was committed to finishing the assignment today, but his mind remained blank.

He couldn't get over the fact that he made a fool of himself in front of Jimin. Of course he wouldn't talk to him in public. Even if he did pinky swore he should've known better.

That's what bothered him the most. How did it ever cross his mind to think they could be friends?

He shook his head and placed his fingers on the keyboard. All he had typed so far was the date. Not even the title.

Seconds later he started typing suggestions but kept erasing them. Why couldn't Park Jimin leave his mind for at least thirty minutes?

He groaned defeated laying his head on the keyboard. A sudden voice made him abruptly get up.

"Excuse me?"

Yoongi looked up and there was Sana standing. She was absolutely breathtaking up close. Her features were so tiny and gorgeous. No wonder she had half of the school crushing on her.

"Y-yes?" He asked nervously. Did she know about his identity? Would she confront him about it?

It had to be that. Otherwise she wouldn't have even talked to him. He was basically a nobody around here.

"Is this seat taken?" She smiled pointing to seat next to him.


"Awesome. Do you mind me sitting next to you?"

Yoongi shook his head no and yet again she smiled sitting right beside him. He quickly looked at his computer screen which was had bunch of random shenanigans. 

Now he definitely wouldn't be able to concentrate. Not with Jimin on his mind and with Sana right next to him. His conscious was eating him alive.

While Yoongi was focusing on the computer screen Namjoon had just walked in. He had the brightest grin on his face. Any opportunity to see Jin was heavenly.

"Jin!" He whispered screamed running to him.

He flinched almost dropping a book. When he turned to his direction Namjoon was standing mighty close.

Jin stepped back to avoid being so close and only bumped onto the bookshelf behind him. "I've got the book!" He squealed holding it up.

"Yeah." He mumbled scooting to the right.

"Where are you going?" Namjoon wondered concerned.

"I'm just stepping over here." He quietly said avoiding his look.

"Oh. Was I too close? I'm sorry. I'm a very personal touchy person. Okay, let me rephrase that because it made me sound like a pervert. I'm just affectionate. There you go. That's the word."

"Uh huh. So, the book." He told shifting the conversation back to reason they had met up in the first place.

Jin didn't know why being around Namjoon made him neurotic. He didn't know how to deal with such a bubbly person. Especially because he was a guy.

Not that he was homophobic in any way. He didn't even know Namjoon's sexually just that he was a very touchy open minded person.

Jin was seen around school as a tough guy. Hanging out with Namjoon would only get people talking.

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