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"You're going to what?" Jimin chuckled breaking into laughter.

Yoongi's face turned red, "Are you seriously laughing at me right now? You fucking asshole."

Jimin set the cards and box down on the bed turning his attention to him. Yoongi still looked furious.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't keep a straight face." He told stepping back. He had his hand over his stomach at how hard he was laughing.

"I'm glad you find me amusing. I'm leaving. Bye." He said annoyed.

Jimin quickly grabbed his forearm holding him back. "Wait, wait, don't get upset with me. The statement threw me off guard."

He frowned pulling his arm away. Jimin cleared his throat, "How did it go, I'm going to fucking kiss you? Sounds like a porno." He smirked trying to contain his laughter.

Yoongi pushed him harshly his face turning a brighter red. "Fuck off. Keep the stupid letters. I don't care anymore."

"Okay, okay sorry. I will stop making fun of you now."

"You think it's funny to make fun of my feelings? Do you assume I don't have any? First you ignore me and don't even say hey do me. Then you show up to intimidate me and make fun of me. You jerk."

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I did say hey to you! I waved from across the room."

"Uh huh. A wave from across the room is not the proper way to do it. Aren't we like...?" Yoongi's voice trailed off.

The word friends wouldn't roll of his tongue. He didn't only want to be his friend. He wanted to be his lover too. His partner in crime. His happy outlet.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm a pretty shitty friend. Let me say hey to you up close now. Hey!" He screamed in front of his face.

"You consider me your friend?" He whispered slightly disappointed. He didn't know what was worse to be called friend or dude.

Both names sucked.

"Umm...yeah. I guess?"

Yoongi sighed looking down at his shoes. His vans had gotten dirty from the muddy puddles outside. Jimin's boots remained spotless in comparison.

Even their shoes were not the same. His dirty vans would never be to his boots level. Everything was telling him they weren't meant to be. So why did he still kept holding on to that hope inside of him?

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked after a couple seconds. The sudden change of mood was noticeable. 

"Do you crave to kiss your friends in the mouth?" Yoongi whispered looking up.

Jimin raised both eyebrows staring at him with wide eyes. "What? No. That...that would be weird. What are you talking about?"

He scoffed shaking his head rapidly. "I have to go. Happy birthday Jimin."

Jimin didn't know why he couldn't let him walk away. He quickly ran to the door and blocked the entrance.

"Hey! Move!" He demanded.

"No. You can't leave angry. Haven't you heard that you're never supposed to end a conversation angry? What if you don't see me again tomorrow?"

"You wouldn't even care." He bitterly replied.

Jimin gasped offended, "How dare you? There's a reason why I'm stopping you. If I didn't care then I wouldn't have gotten in the way."

"Great speech. Keep it up. You're improving with your empathy. Now move."

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