Chapter 37

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Dylan POV

Arriving at the location, we hide the Jeep and her behind some ruined building. Pulling out our snipers and rifles we check for the billets before seeing John arrive.

I noticed his stiff and unusual posture, before I froze at the sight in front of me. Two terrorist men were pointing their guns at John. Coming out of our hiding spots we surrender our weapons before deciding to negotiate.

"Let go of our man. We won't put up a fight."

"That will be too easy... Sargeant Dylan Romano."

"How do you know my name?"

"The traitor gave us all the information. You're probably wondering who it is Hmm? It's none other than Victor. Surprise surprise."

I couldn't say I was shocked, as he was one of the top men we suspected. I'm not sure how he got out of our clutches, but now I felt more anger than ever.

"That isn't the best part. As we speak right now, he's wandering freely around the base. The people you love are there unprotected. Am I right?"

I growl as he said that and was ready to grab the weapon when I heard the safety off.

"Touch that fun and I won't hesitate to shoot your friend in his brains. Slow death yes, but quite horrific."

"Dylan, I signed up for this so don't worry. Go save Leah and Jamie!"

"Your crazy time thinks I'm going to leave you to die in the hands of these creatures."

"Smart move Dylan. Although, I should put you at ease saying your wife's brother is useless to us. What we need is the love of your life, Leah herself."

I was glad for a second that we didn't spill the information of Jamie being my brother to everyone or else he would have been caught in this mess as well.

That moment went as quick as it came, as I thought of this dilemma. How can one choose between his wife and bestfriend. One to be shot and the other to be kidnapped.

Every minute that was ticking , us passed a moment to save Leah. I gave John and Jen the look for the backup plan. We have a lot to lose if anything goes wrong, but it's the only way. Feeling the remote behind in my pocket, I press it, just as our Jeep exploded.

Distracted by that blast, in a flash John pushed their guns down as Ken and I shot the two men right in their fours heads.

I sprinted towards the camp as fast as I could. Within a few minutes we reached there and I frantically searched for my wife.

"Jamie, have you seen Leah?!"

"No, I think she went to grab some food down the cafeteria."

I quickly sprinted down there to find an empty cafeteria. Sinking to my knees, I cried as I felt like a failure; as a husband and father.

"Dylan, don't give up now."

"I search every inch of this camp and she's not anywhere. I won't be able to live with myself if anything happened to her or our child."

"I searched for Victor and he's not anywhere either."

"That son of a bitch is going to pay for what he'd done. He'll wish he was never born. John called an immediate meeting with every man."

Nodding his head, John went ahead to inform every man of the meeting while I angrily stormed towards the meeting point.

"I'm gonna to talk straight to the point. This meeting is being held because we had a traitor in our midst. Victor Hernedez,  is the traitor who took side with the terrorists, betraying his country and fellow men.

John, Ken, and I knew there was a traitor for a few months, which was the reason why we couldn't advance in the war. When we finally found a clue, we realized we were set up.

It was too late because by the time we escaped, my wife, Leah Romano was kidnapped by none other than Victor.

I'm choosing a few of you to be part of this team to search for my wife and the terrorist base. The rest of you will be in charge of finding any clues and returning to your regular duties.

If any one of you is a rat, I swear I'll find you soon and the outcome will be ugly. If you're a traitor it's better to run for your life than stay here any longer. Do you understand?!"

"Yes Sergeant!"

I look down at my men, proud that they'll put their life in risk to end this war and save my life. For the next hour, I called out some of the men to join the group to find my wife.

It was nine at night before we finished our meeting and came up with plans. I walked towards our room, and saw a figure sitting in our bed. I rubbed my eyes, probably hallucinating, when I still saw that figure.

Grabbing my gun from the back of my pocket, I slowly approached the figure, when I noticed that it was none other than Jamie. Tucking my weapon back into my pants, I saw tears streaming down his face, as he looked up to me.

"Is it true Dylan? Is Leah really gone?"

"Look, she's gone just for now. I promise I'll do everything in my power to bring her back safely."

He found himself at me and cried his heart out. I couldn't imagine what he's going through. The only person who ever showed love, protection, and care was Leah after the death of our parents.

"Why don't you sleep for now. I'm sure Leah won't be happy if you don't eat dinner or go to sleep. She'll want you to take care of yourself."

"I'm not hungry or tired. I just want Leah."

"Here eat this apple and go to sleep. Everyone needs to be in their best condition to help find Leah as soon as possible."

He sniffles his sobs and we walk down the hall towards his room. I've never seen Jamie so distraught, not even when he lost his leg. I'm sure I'm the same too, maybe even worse.

After watching him eat an apple and drinking some water, Jamie soon fell asleep. All this worry and crying clearly drained his energy. Whispering a good night, I decide to head into my room.

Walking in, all I can remember is Leah. Somehow, she made this military camp bedroom, somewhat homely. It feels more like home then my apartment back in America.

I had to put a strong persona in front of the men and Jamie so they won't be let down. It's one of the hardest things as a leader and is more chainring than anything.

I wanted to cry my heart out, but it hurt too much. I just felt an empty void and helplessness. Grabbing a bottle of rum, I chug it down, wanting to forget everything.

Despite my blurry visions from the alcohol and tears, I saw something on top of our desk. Flipping it around is an unfinished picture of our family. Jamie was looking up at us smiling, as I smiled down towards him and Leah, while she looked up at me. The drawing captured the love that shone through her eyes. There was even her pregnant bump in the drawing. I looked down to see Max was there as well.

Seeing this picture, I couldn't take it anymore and broke down, begging for her to return. I knew she couldn't hear me, but I couldn't hold those words in any longer. I caressed her face through the picture and gave a kiss on it, as if I was kissing her.

Clutching the picture, the large intake of alcohol and endless crying finally took its toll and I felt myself drifting off to sleep. I couldn't find myself sleeping in the same bed without Leah to hold, so I slept on the bare floor.

My last thoughts were of Leah's smiles and her caressing her baby bump, as I soon fell into the darkness.

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