Chapter 25 - Younger??

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Anthony arrives home, goes to the bedroom and notices William playing games on his phone. Anthony ignores it, smiles and says "hi" feeling just a tiny bit of envy looking at him being so carefree and relaxed.

Anthony's thoughts: "I want to be a kid and want people to take care of me too... Hmm maybe later someday."

William: "Hi! Ummm..." *feels a little bit embarrassed for playing games but shrugs it off and continues playing*
Anthony: *laughs just for a sec* "lol it's fine to continue playing, after all, there isn't much to do being all alone at home, right?"
William: *smiles* "yea... also I want to talk about something."
Anthony: "what is it?"
William: "I suggest, First you freshen up then I will talk while you rest."
Anthony: *slight smile* "okay"

Anthony goes into the bathroom.

-12 minutes later-

Anthony comes out of the bathroom in a bathrobe and finds William sleeping on the bed with his game still running on his phone which was simply lying beside him.

Anthony: *smiles*
Anthony's thoughts: "looks like he fell asleep while playing... Well, he did look sleepy when I arrived home. I wonder what he wanted to talk about... Also, I don't know why... but, he looks a bit different... Cuter in some way... maybe it's just my mind playing tricks."

Anthony while still in the bathrobe, dries his hands, reduces the light in the bedroom, carefully places a blanket on William, plugs William's phone for charging and places it on the side table. He then proceeds to the wardrobe to get new clothes.

Anthony: *opens the wardrobe, dries himself with a towel and grabs new clothes and starts wearing them*

Anthony's thoughts while wearing his clothes: "Could he have wanted to tell something about the diaper? Hmm maybe...."

He finishes wearing his clothes and goes to the hall after turning off the lights in the bedroom. He takes a seat on the sofa and scrolls through social media on his phone.

-2 hours later-

Anthony notices some noise come out of the bedroom.

Anthony's thoughts: "Sounds like William woke up."

Anthony looks towards the entrance of the bedroom and sets his eyes William coming out of the bedroom while rubbing his eyes and yawning. William just stands at the entrance with his messy hair trying to adjust his eyes to the light of the hall while holding the bunny plushie that Nora gave him in his other hand.

Anthony: "Good Morning!" *smiles*
William (feeling sluggish): *tries to process what Anthony just said for a few seconds* "gud mornin..." *goes back inside the bedroom*

Anthony: *gets up from the sofa and stretches his body*
Anthony's thoughts: "Was William shorter? Well anyways, that's enough for now I guess I better eat something and give something to William to eat too."

Anthony goes to the kitchen and remembers the box of pasta Nora gave him.


William goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth, uses the toilet and washes his face.

After coming out of the bathroom William goes to the hall to check on what Anthony's doing and he finds him in the kitchen waiting beside the microwave. Anthony notices William and signals him 'come here' with his hands.

William approaches Anthony and looks up at him.

Anthony's thoughts: "Okay, William definitely looks different, younger I think... Did he change his age?"

Anthony: "Remember that day Nora made pasta for us?"
William: "yeah."
Anthony: "it was tasty, right?"
William: *nods his head signaling 'yes'*
Anthony: "Well, she gave us the leftovers."
William: "Sweet! that's so nice of her." *smiles with his mouth slightly open and a happy face*
Anthony: "I know right!"

-Time skip-

Anthony and William eat pasta while talking.

Anthony: "You know... you look a bit different... I can't put my finger around it but there is surely something different about you William and it's bothering me."
William: *blushes* "well... umm, I regressed myself into a three-year-old when you were out for work... "
Anthony: *smiles* "Okay, everything makes sense now, no wonder you look cuter and shorter. But, what about your bladder control? Are you planning to continue your life as a three-year-old? Don't you want to go to school?"
William: "well..." *blushes* "I really like living with you and Nora... so I would want to go to school later... and also I wanted to experience childhood more... So I decided to be even younger." *mega blush* *looks down*
Anthony: "Aww!" *laughs* "Anyways, that reminds me, you wanted to tell me something earlier, right?"
William: *thinks* "when?"
Anthony: "When I came from work, remember?"
William: "Oh yeah! so... The diaper box thing had an update..."
Anthony: "Say what?!"


Thanks for reading everyone, I am very thankful for the support everyone has shown me.

Also, I am planning to make another book to continue the rest of the story... Like a volume 2. Anyways, Follow me to stay updated. 😉

Age Regression Diaper 3000Where stories live. Discover now