When you cheated on him | Park Jimin

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I looked into the mirror, tears streaming down my face while my hands shake uncontrollably. "What have I done...?"
I muttered under my breath. I couldn't even recognise who I was anymore, I was disgusted by who I was looking at in the mirror.

I heard the front door open and close, indicating that Jimin was home. My heart beats in a irregular pace, my thoughts were jumbled up, figuring out how I was going to break it to him.

"Hey baby." Jimin's beautifully warm smile comes into view, it always made my heart skip a beat, but now my heart feels stabbed into. He didn't deserve this.

His once soft smile turned quickly into a frown. "Baby what's wrong?" His voice was filled with concern, making it hurt even more.

"I did something horrible Jimin." I broke into a sob while turning to look at him.

"What happened..?" His face was filled with confusion.

"I...I k-kissed someone else." I stuttered and once those words left my mouth, his eyes widened, taking a few steps back.

"So you cheated on me?" I could hear the hurt in his voice, making it unbearable.

"Please Jimin it was a mistake, you were gone for so many months,  I missed you and I felt so lonely. My friend was always there for me and one thing led to another and we were kissing." I collapsed onto my knees in front of him, breaking down and crying my soul out. I knew the second the kiss happened, that I already lost Jimin.

"Oh, so you missed me so much that you decided to kiss someone else?" He scoffed, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"It was a mistake, please Jimin, I'm so sorry." I looked at Jimin, my vision blurred because of the tears.

"We are done." Jimin says coldly, his eyes that were once filled of love for me has turned into hate.

I stood up and quickly walked up to him, holding my his hands in mine. "Please Jimin, don't leave me, p-please..." my voice was quivering as jimins expression didn't change, making him pull his hands away from me.

"Pack up your stuff and get the hell out of my house." His loud voice pierced my ears, making me flinch at tone.

I nodded, taking out my bag and putting all my clothes in it before putting it over my shoulder. I walked downstairs and stood in front of the front door, Jimin was behind me, waiting impatiently for me to leave. "I'm sorry..." I spoke lowly, opening the door and him slamming it shut behind me.

I walked down the pavement as the rain started to pour down heavily, making my hair wet and clothes drenched, but I couldn't care less.

I was crossing the street, not knowing that a car was speeding towards me. The only sounds were my loud cries and the rain hitting against the ground. I turned to see  the bright headlights clouding my vision, then the next thing....

It was dark.

"No matter the circumstances, cheating is never excusable because even a small action can leave a big impact."

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