Win your Trust

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Jungkook strummed the guitar, leaned towards the mic and looked at the audience, he was sitting comfortably on a high chair a stool holding his guitar, he speaks, his voice velvety, soothing mind “We bickered a lot while composing this song” he smiles lightly “But we do that in almost every song” the audience laugh at that making the members smile too.

“Let me try it with different chords what do you say” audience cheers making him smile again, he looks towards the three who nod already agreeing to whatever he want to try, they wait to sync and then follow him with it. Audience applaud for them as they play the music, Jungkook sings one of the indie song that he wrote in earlier period of his debut which became the biggest hit, no list is complete without it being included. His expressions become serious as he sings and plays, sincerely showing his talent, his voice pouring out the pain, dilemma he feels in his life. It is the song for a lost soul who came to the town to become famous but loses himself in the process, the song being close to his heart telling his story that only few of them knows.

Taehyung was there too quietly watching him like always, he started liking these t.v shows for the sole purpose of getting a chance to hear him live like this, sitting comfortably and singing, just focusing on his music. Jungkook looks calm when he is connected to music, Taehyung had already made a note of that. He hears that outstanding sync the four of them do, he was speechless, he now realizes why Jimin is a fan of them. It was a pure talent no adulteration, no vulgarity, just good music and meaningful lyrics, RM and Suga move their body with the beats syncing with him they were really enjoying it, Hope smiles  cheerfully as audience applauds again.

“I hope I didn’t suck at this” Jungkook says as he ends, they laugh shaking their heads, “The producer here told me if ever I want to sell my guitar I should just remember him” the audience boos at that.

“Should I sell it” he asks rather lazily, enjoying the show, and smiles hearing a loud roar of no’s .

“Sorry Dae, I cannot sell it” he was happy to say it on aur to the producer. Today Jungkook was being talkative he usually has this mood sometimes but today it was rather of being a more lazy and leisure mood. Taehyung already prepared himself of what was coming for him next.

The show winds up soon and they become free after an hour of formalities and photoshoot, Taehyung was about to leave when Jungkook calls his name, it was already late he was not ready of what was coming and felt a little exhausted too so this call rather made him roll his eyes unknowingly, his face was still bruised, making him remind that punch. He turns around to meet the person face to face.

“Yes” he says as he waits for Jungkook to walk closer to him that he takes quite a moment to do.

“You free doc?” He asks as he stands just in front of him, blocking any other view.

“Yeah, if it is important then yes” Taehyung says.

“How to know if it is important?” Jungkook questions back having all the time to waste for now, he really had nothing to do at the moment.

“Why don’t you just tell me and we will decide” Taehyung says impatient.

“How can you judge it yourself, won’t you be biased and say that it is not important” Jungkook was really playing with him.

“Seeing you have not said it till now I assume it is not anything important” Taehyung says about to turn and leave.

“Hey doc” Jungkook holds his wrist “Were not you waiting for this breakthrough and now when I am giving it to you all you wanna do is run away?” he smiles .

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