Save me

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Trigger warning- there are sensitive scenes of self harm and panic attack.


Freed sits on the sofa now dressed nicely and ready to be interviewed, Jungkook still had his dark glasses on, he didn’t want to be the part of interview and asked if they could just leave him be but the agency remained quite strict with it, being quiet and just doing what they had to, so Jungkook remains there emotionless, the interviewer of a famous magazine greets them, and then starts asking the questions the camera focusing on them, it was not their first time to be interviewed so they were pretty normal with it. It started with light questions on how they feel about their growth and breaking records and what is their reaction to fan’s love towards them, but soon it started turning sour as the interviewer changed the path of questions- “How does it feel like to be only on sidelines when the lime light is taken by the lead?”

The group look at each other awkwardly, was this question to insult them or infuriate them, they then laughed it off “You are getting it wrong we all have our fans, it is not just that JK is the only one they come for” Yoongi answers.

“I would never want fans who just look for me we are team they should support the team” JK answers, voice rough and irritated.

“If that’s so then why did you give a solo album of your own?” the interviewer smiles cunningly.

Jungkook chuckles, sitting comfortably on the sofa “Seems like you have a grudge with me” he smiles not so friendly “What’s wrong with it, my group never objected, some songs were even composed by them too so what’s wrong with it” The interviewer stops smiling.

“Recently there is a rumor that JK is not himself, he seems different and his voice quality changed too”

“We don’t pay attention to rumors, anything else you have about me, I thought this interview was of the group” JK says making the interviewer stammer.

“I am just asking what..what is hot topic of discussion in fandom” he clarifies. “Your fans are also disappointed to not able to see you in many occasions with Freed, is there some feud among members?” Taehyung who was watching this in the room, clenches his fist, he rushes to the assistant of Jay and another manager and asks them of the meaning of these questions, they avoid it, not wanting to give him answers, just telling him Freed can handle it easily, but we will talk about it afterwards. Taehyung who had not been in contact with Jungkook for more than two days now was worried and defeated just waits for Freed to come back so that he can ask them himself and make them take out their frustration, he could clearly see the irritation on their faces that they were trying so hard to suppress, the interview was meaningless and rude, Taehyung felt that Jay should have told them to stop it immediately but after passing several minutes they finally end the interview and walk back the three members complaining about the attitude of the interviewer as they walk in with the crew members following them and managers in tow, Jungkook however remains silent Taehyung walks towards him calling his name trying to stop him but Jungkook ignores him, Taehyung still follows him, not worrying about Jay’s warning but Jungkook pushes him away.

“Leave me alone doc, you are annoying me” he walks away quickly not looking back at Taehyung who just stands their blankly as other three members walk past him consoling that Jungkook is just angry and they will talk when free, Taehyung just nods to whatever they say not understanding a word.

Lovelorn //Vkook ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя