It's a hard life

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Taehyung sits with the staff members and observes them talking and having light conversations, he didn't want to be a part of it but his roommate insisted so he went with them, they also brought snacks and drinks and wanted to enjoy a little. They were not talking of anything particular just their daily jobs and how their family had managed over the time. Taehyung's roommate puts his arm around his shoulder pulling him closer.

"Doctor is very good, if you are having problem he can help" he said proudly however Taehyung still remained quiet, he looked at their faces they were like group of 7-8 members sitting together all have his eyes on him. He positioned his spects again in hesitance.

"You look so young, just the age of my child, how come you became doctor so soon?" A middle aged lady questions him, Taehyung bows his head in thanks making them laugh and pat his head.

"Just got lucky" he answers.

Another one asks him passing on the food too "Are you still single?" They looked very interested in knowing him, he was about to answer when his phone rings once and shows notification. He looks at it and was surprised to see Jungkook texting him.

JK- How to run away from boring interviews?

Taehyung looks at it for few seconds then at the others who were still waiting for his answer.

"Uh! Yes I am still single" he says making everyone burst in discussion again, some astonished, some happy, some suggesting him where to find a matchmaker, while some telling him it's better to be alone. Taehyung avoids it and responds to Jungkook.

Doc- Ending it up early .

He puts back the phone in his pocket but before he could even grab the soda can it pings again, he checks it with a hmph.

JK- Haha, Why not say by talking to me?

Doc- I am busy listening to what is the right age to get married and why is it important....I have to take notes, very busy, sorry.

Taehyung knows that other one might be laughing seeing this.

JK- Wow...I am jealous, share notes with me too.

Taehyung fiddles with his mobile, then texts again.

Doc- I told you contact when something is important, you are fine, right?

This time the reply doesn't comes instantly, making Taehyung nervous a little, he tries to pay attention to the people around him, who have all changed the topic to how our society has changed, they no longer listen to their parents.


Taehyung holds his urge to throw the mobile away or slap himself for expecting some normal answer. He stops responding to the texts and focuses on eating and listening to how one of the lady learnt the make-up hacks that were very useful. The group had quite a unique and refined way switching to different topics smoothly.


Taehyung enters a room where an old man with bald head was sitting, they called him Doc Jung, the psychiatrist of Jungkook, next to him was a very strong build and handsome gym trainer of Freed, Su min, on the other side was the their physiotherapist, he too was of young man with a bright smile, Dong Hyun, and to the very corner of the room near the window was standing a lady, well dressed with light make-up on her face, her hair tied in a ponytail, she turns to look at him as he enters the room, she is the dietitian of Freed, these were very important people that were in direct contact with Freed, Taehyung greets all of them as he asks Eun Ae, the dietitian to take seat.

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