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Note: You are the youngest Winchester, also Sam's twin. He was born a mere few minutes before you!


Sam sat quietly in a chair, looking through books while he rubbed his tired face, though 'tired' deemed as an understatement to him.

"Dude, do you mind not eating those on my bed?" The younger Winchester asked, annoyed. His older brother was distracting him in more ways than one: obnoxious smacking of his lips while he ate and listened to music.

Dean shook his head, looking up at Sam while picking up another piece of his food and stuffing it into his mouth, shaking his head. "No, I don't mind." He turned his gaze back to the magazine he was reading. "How's research going?"

The book Sam was reading slammed shut at the question. "You know how it's going? Slow." He glared at Dean as the older Winchester sucked his thumb to get rid of the grease. "You know how it would go a heck of a lot faster? If I had my computer."

Dean looked up from his magazine with a smile, nodding again. "Hmm," then went straight back to it. "Where's (Y/n)?"

On cue, the youngest Winchester opened the door to the motel, a slushie in one hand, and a bag of food in the other. "Oh, thank whoever the hell's upstairs, you two haven't ripped each other's throats out yet." Her brothers ignored the sarcasm dripping from her tone, as she had been throughout the days anyway.

(Y/n) plopped onto the vacant couch with a tired sigh. She had been at the library for three hours, trying to find anything related to what they were dealing with, which still was unclear.

Another reason she went there was so she didn't have to hear any more of her brothers' bickering. She'd had it up to Sam's height with whatever was going on between the two.

"Can you turn that down, please?" Sam asked Dean desperately. The music playing in the background was itching at his focus, trying to break it down.

The eldest Winchester nodded, not looking up from his magazine. "Yeah." He reached for the stereo's dial, but turned it right instead of left, increasing the volume dramatically.

Sam clenched his jaw and looked up from his book, staring at his sister for a moment, who was focused on their dad's journal, then snapping back at Dean. "You know what? Maybe, uh, you should go somewhere for a while, huh?" He suggested bitterly, patience having been worn thin.

Dean's patience had done the same it was currently the same size as Sam's: thin as a string of hair. "Hey, I'd love to." He looked up and smiled, matching his younger brother's tone. "That's a great idea." The smile faltered as he continued. "Unfortunately, my car's all screwed to hell!"

Here they go again. "Dean, I told you, I have nothing to do-" Sam stopped when knocking erupted through the motel room.

(Y/n) slid off the couch, setting their dad's journal down and replacing her hand's emptiness with a grip on the knife stuck to her belt. Though her brain settled on the only person who could be at the door, her gut told her differently. But, of course, her mind had been right- and her body relaxed. "Hey, Bobby." She let go of the knife and opened the door further. "C'mon in."

The older hunter nodded, smiling at the youngest. "Thanks, (Y/n)." He gave her a quick side-hug before turning his gaze to the older Winchesters. "Hey, boys."

Dean shot up from the bed, walking over with Sam to greet the other hunter. "Hey, Bobby." He had turned the stereo off and finished eating. 'If only Bobby had come sooner- Dean would've shut his damn mouth,' Sam thought.

"It's good to see you three so soon," Bobby nodded at the three while Sam patted his shoulder. The siblings were quite thankful for him coming to the motel.

The youngest nodded again, smiling tiredly. "Glad you came, Bobby. Thanks again for coming."

Dean shook Bobby's hand, matching his sister's tired expression. "And thank God you did." There was no usual glare or bitch-face from the other two, as this is what they needed.

Bobby nodded again, shoving his hands into his pockets after shaking Dean's hand. "So, um... what didn't you wanna talk to me on the phone about?" (Y/n) had called, stating that she needed him over to their location as soon as possible.

"It's this job we're working... We," Sam started then chuckled, not knowing what to say. There were no words, none to describe what they had been through for the last week. "We weren't sure you'd believe us."

The other hunter scoffed, giving them a 'you're serious?' look. "Well, I can believe a lot."

(Y/n) stepped forward, crossing her arms. "Trust me, Bobby. We know, otherwise, we wouldn't have called you in." They had been very determined before, but after a few days-- nothing came out correctly. "We're stumped on this."

"We thought we could use some fresh eyes," Sam added.

Bobby nodded, shrugging his shoulders. "Why don't you begin at the beginning?"

"Yeah. Um, alright," Sam nodded and gestured for them to take a seat. Bobby and Dean took the beds while Sam and (Y/n) pulled up chairs. "It all started when we caught wind of an obit.

"See, a professor took a nosedive from a fourth-story window only there's a campus legend that the buildings haunted. So we pretexted as reporters from the local paper."

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