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"Well, no traces of EMF, that's for sure." (Y/n) tossed the device to Sam, who caught it then pocketed it.

The three were taking a break in the brother's motel room. Dean went to the fridge for a beer while Sam opened his laptop up. (Y/n) followed Dean's example, except she grabbed an uneaten bag of cold M&Ms.

"And that room 669's a load full of crap," Dean added, giving one to each sibling.

Sam shrugged off his jacket and sighed. "So, what do you think? The professor's just a jumper? Legend's just a legend?"

"I don't know." (Y/n) and Dean said in sync. "I mean, the, uh, girl that the janitor described, that's pretty weird," Dean added while leaning on the counter. "We outta check out the history of the building. See if any coed ganked herself there."

Sam got comfortable in his chair then opened his laptop, narrowing his eyes at the screen, slightly disgusted. "Dude, were you on my computer?"

Dean looked at Sam, then at the computer. "No."

"Oh, really?" Sam pointed at the screen, upset. "'Cause it's frozen now o-on, uh, bustyasianbeauties.com." Dean looked back at the computer, back at Sam, then walked away. "Dean... Would you just... Don't touch my stuff anymore, okay?"

"Maybe (Y/n) was looking it up, why you gotta call me out?" Dean shot back defensively. "Why don't you just control your OCD?"


"But did you dig up anything about the building or on the suicidal coed?" Bobby interrupted, not wanting to hear whatever happened between the two on that.

(Y/n) shook her head, "no. History's clean." She had hopped up from the couch to grab a beer as well as some recently bought Skittles. When the brothers asked about the candy, she just shrugged it off and told them that it was stress food from the way they've been acting.

"What's with you and the janitor?" (Y/n) pursed her lips and waved a hand in the air. Bobby raised his eyebrows. "Well, Sam's telling us that you two were eyeballing each other."

Sam crossed his arms and shook his head. "Not really that, he looked uncomfortable and sick around her, as did you (Y/n)." He gave his sister a 'help us out' look. "Do you know him or something?"

The youngest Winchester waved a hand in the air again, becoming annoyed on the subject. "Just leave it alone, guys. I didn't know him, he was giving me looks, and that's that." She said with a mouthful of Skittles, bitch-facing the three men. "Pretend Sammy didn't even talk about it, it was nothing. Let it go."

Bobby's eyebrows narrowed back down, (Y/n) was the type to openly share things like this, so instead of dropping it, he pushed it to a later discussion. "Then... it's not a haunting." Bobby looked down at the floor, dragging his hand down his mouth.

Dean sighed. "Maybe not. To tell you the truth, we're not sure." He hated to admit it, they all hated to admit it, but one of them had to.

Bobby frowned and gave them a funny look. "What do you mean, 'you're not sure'?" That had to be a first.

"Well, it's weird." Sam started, giving a tired look to Bobby.

"What's weird?" Bobby continued to give them a look.

Dean closed his eyes. "This next part, we, uh... We didn't see it happen ourselves, exactly, but... it's pretty friggin' weird, even for us." The other two nodded, cringing at the thought of the last thing that happened.

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