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The Winchester siblings were back at Crawford Hall the next morning. Their identities as maintenance from before were back in action, as was the person they were meeting up with.

"Sorry for dragging a little ass today, guys." The janitor apologized after locking up the locker room. "Had quite the night last night." He turned around at the first step, grinning at the two boys. "Lots of sex, if you catch my drift."

(Y/n) scowled, her stomach dropping at his words. The janitor's whiskey eyes fell on her for a moment, something reaching them that none of the siblings could put a pin on, then went back to the steps.

"Yeah, hard not to," Dean answered in a dead tone, not itching for any jokes at the moment. "Listen, we won't be long, we just need to check a couple of offices up on three." He tapped (Y/n)'s shoulder and pointed downward, the younger Winchester nodded.

"No problem," the janitor replied tonelessly.

(Y/n) stopped at the next landing. "Oh, damn. I, uh, forgot something in the truck. You know what? I-I'll catch up with you guys." She smiled as politely as she could to the janitor, the look giving him a silent apology.

Dean nodded, "okay." The janitor tapped the railing, then continued leading Sam and Dean upstairs.

When the three were out of his view, she kicked open the door, for extra effect, then went straight down the steps, pulling out the lock-picking kit.

Once the door to the locker room was open, (Y/n) began to open each of the lockers, searching for evidence. The first one on the right she looked into was her Yahtzee.

The locker had a magazine, the headline giving away the entire thing: ALIENS ABDUCT CHEERLEADERS. (Y/n) sighed and looked up, a part of her not wanting to believe it.


"Just because he reads the 'Weekly World News' doesn't mean he's our guy." (Y/n) shot at her brothers as they walked out of the building, though she didn't know why. There was a part of her brain itching for her to defend the man. "I mean, Dean, you read it too."

Dean sighed. "I'm telling you, it's him." Sam nodded in agreement, trusting him for the first time in a week.

(Y/n) jogged in front of the two. "Look, I just think we need some hard proof. That's all." Her voice leaked desperation, earning a weird look from her brothers.

"Look, Bobby said that these suckers have a metabolism like an insect," Dean said, stopping her from saying anything further. "Alright? A real sweet tooth."

"I didn't find any candy bars, Dean. Or sugar. Not even Equal."

Sam frowned when Dean mentioned the 'sweet tooth' part again. "(Y/n), you said earlier that you went to the candy shop for stress food, right?"

The youngest Winchester scoffed. "Yeah. Why?" She had an idea of why he was asking- but there was still a slight offense in her tone.

He shook his head. "No! No, it's not that. It's just a... simple observation (Y/n)." Dean frowned at the thought too. "But he didn't pull anything on you, and you've developed a sudden sweet tooth..."

"You're connected to him," the brothers said in unison. Their thought process was back together again. "Somehow," Dean added.

(Y/n) sighed, throwing her hands up in the air. "You two are unbelievable now that you're getting along. Real funny guys." She eyed her siblings. "Look, you two stay here, keep an eye on the janitor if it makes you feel better. I'll go to his place to see if I can find any actual evidence before you go barging in and staking the man!" She paused, bringing her voice down from a shout. "Please wait until I get back before going in..."

Before the brothers could protest about her leaving, she stormed off, leaving them to their thoughts.

"The connection, what would it be, Sam?" Dean kicked at the concrete, trying to form as to why he even said that. "He's just a demigod, is there anything that would do that?"

Sam shrugged. "I honestly don't know, Dean... I'm going to talk to Bobby about it, see if he can find anything on the matter."


The janitor frowned at the three split up. He eyed the brothers for a quick moment before keeping his gaze on (Y/n). She was what he had to be worried about, not much Sam and Dean.

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