Part 3

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Their opinions differed.


Arguments covering all the options of how to handle their tiny guest. Arthur, Vincent, and Napoleon siding on the best choice being for her to stay with them. She would be protected, safe, and happy. Jean, Mozart, and Sebastian were erring on the side of caution, finding all the reasons it would be wrong for her to remain. The rest of the residents were undecided.

Comte sat at the head of the table, no indication of his own thoughts on steeled features. Eventually, it would fall upon him to make the final decision as the owner of the mansion. Having his residents in disarray over a single human child, no matter how tragic her plight, simply wouldn't do. She'd left quite a mark on the ones who had met her.

"Would it not be best to send the little mademoiselle to an orphanage? She'd be cared for, fed, sheltered, adopted into a permanent home," Jean said. He'd only see the stepfather and he did sympathize, but this environment was most dangerous for a child.

Arthur gave a breathy laugh, waving his hand to dismiss the idea. "It's unlikely that she'd last a week in a place like that. Her mother was bought, and that threat continues to loom over her. She'll be eaten alive in an orphanage." The mere idea of subjecting her to more trauma set a frown on the writer's lips.

"Poor choice of words, Arthur. She'd be eaten alive here if one of us lost control." The sour pianist hadn't even laid eyes on the girl, but the presence of a child could bring adverse effects. What if she caused a ruckus when he was creating? All he knew of children was they're loud and insatiable.

Isaac's gaze flickered between the opposite parties. Both had their valid hypothesis of the outcomes of her staying, and yet... "If you'd met her, Mozart, you'd surely have reservations in throwing her out. We have a steady supply of rouge and blanc." He'd consider it an outlier to say that their vampire state is the largest threat to her safety. Isaac couldn't, in good conscious, send Alara off after seeing her carefree smile surface with them.

"I'm in agreement," Vincent spoke up. Cerulean blue eyes downcast at his hands, the lingering feeling of her trembling body against his own ever present. The reason unclear, but the painter wished to protect her from the world that sought to harm her.

Sebastian cleared his throat, his opinion on the matter he thought irrelevant. "I believe it will be your decision, M. Le Comte. What action do you advise we take concerning our little guest?" He would honor whatever Comte decided.

All attention fell onto the pure blood at the head of the table, many of them wearing their emotions clearly on their faces. The truth being that an orphanage would not treat her kindly, but with so many residents against her stay, the most comparable choice was to place her in a family that he trusted to be good for her.

"I've a suggestion," Theo interrupted, having remained neutral and quiet for most of the conversation. He'd only met the girl briefly, and the facts of their nature as vampires posed a real threat, and yet, humans could be just as dangerous. The situation a heavy one. "We should take a couple of days to deliberate on it."

Dazai hummed in response but began to nod his head in agreement. "A rushed decision could result in a wrong choice. That man might simply claim her from an orphanage, and her fate could twist into more pain."

"We shall keep Alara in our care until we can ensure her a home that will be suitable. Whether that be here, or elsewhere." Comte spoke at last, bringing a swift end to their meeting. Tension and emotions were still high from the confrontation only hours earlier. All needed to reflect and rest.

As for himself, Comte went to visit their guest. He assured Napoleon that no reason remained for a guard. Oscar wouldn't dare return so soon after his talk, if at all. The snake of a man had accepted the generous donation and returned to his hole. Shutting the door soundlessly, Comte turned his attention to the soft whines coming from beneath the comforter.

And So They MetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang