Part 4

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"Good morning, Alara."

Vincent was the first to greet the girl that continued to clutch onto the writer to avoid any of Leonardo's attempts to speak to her again. The dining hall only held a handful of the residents, the others having gone about their day or had yet to rise. Spotted around the table was the Van Gogh brothers, both munching away on an enormous stack of pancakes, and another man that she'd yet to be introduced to.

He took a sip of his coffee, violet eyes never glancing in her direction.

"Why are you clinging to Arthur like that? If you aren't careful, his strangeness will rub off on you." Theo gave a little jab in between stabbing bites of pancakes covered with enough syrup to nearly spill off the edge of the plate.

A triumphant grin spread across Arthur's lips as he patted her head with a gloved hand. "Leo gave her quite the scare and she came to me for protection instead of anyone else." The detail of him being the only one present wasn't necessary to his story. No matter the circumstances, he was the victor.

"I saved her from a collapsing pile of books." Leo wanted to make things right but the fear radiating off her small body prevented that. Comte had informed him of her potentially temporary stay, but no amount of warning would have prepared him for how skittish she was.

"I'm sure that rising from the floor like a waking corpse wasn't frightening at all." The musician's comment tossed out with irritation laced in it.

Snickers erupted from the others, drawing the glare of the pureblood in their direction. Leonardo had no retort to the snarky but accurate statement. Sebastian wheeled in a cart to serve the newcomers. "Please take a seat of your own, Miss Alara." He placed a plate off eggs, bacon, and pancakes in front of the empty chair next to the writer.

Alara reluctantly released her hold on him to be sat on the cushy chair. No more time for frightful glances as she stared at all the delicious food right before her. The young girl couldn't remember a morning when a fresh, warm meal had been given; leftovers of the adult's breakfast, however little it was.

All chatter among the ones at the table ceased. The reminder that mornings of bickering and laughter weren't normal for one among them. Alara attempted to wipe the tears from her face with the back of her arm, over and over as more drops slid down her cheeks. An overwhelming amount of emotion rushing over her. A soft apology slipped out between gasps of air.

Sebastian placed a reassuring hand on top of her head. "It's quite alright." He didn't need to say more, those few words assisting in calming the child down. As she sniffled, the butler knelt to attend to her unbuckled shoes without comment. He'd be sure to keep a closer eye on her.

"Are you leaving already, Mozart?"

Alara turned her attention to the one in question. Violet eyes met hers.

"I'm going to start composing today. In peace, I would like." Mozart gathered his sheet music and half-filled coffee mug. He didn't quite understand why the others were so enamored with a young human who cried over breakfast.

No sooner had the musician left, did the others begin to file out one by one. Theo and Vincent going into town, and even Arthur had business to attend to. He'd lingered until she'd had her fill of breakfast. "I'm off to do some writing." With a gentle smile and a wave, the writer disappeared into the mansion.

The girl gathered up her plate, the only piece left on the long table and carried it into the kitchen where Sebastian was filling up the sink to begin cleaning up. "Can I help?" Alara asked, letting her plate slip into the water and sink down.

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