Chapter Twenty-Two - The Seer's Prophecy

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It was as if Rose's head was submerged in water. Her father continued to speak but she couldn't hear him. She could only hear muffled voices. Her mother appeared at her side and her brother was crying silently in the corner of her room.

She felt dizzy. She needed to sit down but she couldn't get her legs to move. She was utterly paralyzed.

Grindlewald. Gellert Grindlewald. What the hell did Gellert Grindlewald want with a child? A child who didn't demonstrate any exemplary powers. It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense as of right now.

For the second time in her life, Rose once again felt like she was looking through someone else's eyes. She recognized Grindlewald. He was white-haired, pale-skinned and had piercing blue eyes. Then Dumbledore's face flashed. Did they know each other? Grindlewald was angry. Dumbledore had not given him information he desperately wanted. She had no idea what it was. A symbol she had seen before flashed in her mind. A triangle that enclosed a circle and a line. She had seen that symbol before, but where?

Her mind was brought back to the present and she saw both of her parents staring at her in worry.

"Rose," said Alan. "Rose, where did you go just now?"

Rose clutched her forehead as she leaned up against her desk chair. Tears still streaming from her cheeks.

"What the hell is going on with me?!" she shouted.

Her parents said nothing. They looked at her as if she were a dangerous animal ready to pounce. She was angry because she was lied to. She was confused because she couldn't control her own mind. She was scared because she didn't know why she needed protection from Grindlewald. She wanted answers.

"Please," breathed Rose, avoiding her parents' gaze. "Please tell me who the hell I am."

"Rose," spoke her mother for the first time, "you must understand that everything we've done for you was for your protection, yes, but that doesn't change the amount of love we have for you."

She looked up at her mother and a warm feeling of relief spread through her body. She was terribly worried that her mother and father were going to tell her that they never really loved her. Silly thing to worry about, but a worry nonetheless. They only did what they did solely for her protection.

"Your father and I are still your parents," she whispered. "And we will always love you."

"I love you too," she whispered back. "But please... I need answers and I need them now. I'm sixteen. I can handle whatever the truth is."

Vivian and Alan exchanged glances as if they were mentally deciding who should start talking. Edward was still frozen in the corner of the room merely watching.

"Your mother and I used to be very close friends with a wizard named Ampyx Mantos," began her father. "He was fascinated with the art of Divination. We met him on our travels back when we were younger. He resided somewhere in Austria."

Rose was clinging to every word.

"We grew close to him and his wife Hestia. They came to visit us on more than one occasion. We considered them to be family actually. Ampyx was a descendant of the great Seer Mopsus. I think that's why he was so fascinated with the art of Divination. He, himself, however did not possess any particular gifts but he gravitated towards people who did. He met a known Seer at the time who had been known to predict very accurate prophecies. Now, most people think prophecies are a bunch of rubbish and can be interpreted in many different ways, but for Ampyx that was not the case. He lived his life based off of prophecies.

"When Hestia fell pregnant, they visited the Seer. Ampyx wanted to know if his child would possess powers greater than his own. And what he found out was far worse than he could have imagined.

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