Chapter Twenty-Six - Lord Voldemort

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That evening, Rose enjoyed completing her homework in the common room with Mary and Isabel. The three girls had so much to gossip to catch up on and Rose was out of the loop.

"You're JOKING!" exclaimed Rose. "Druella snogged Cadmus?"

"I'm not joking at all," said Mary laughing as she clapped her hands. "Everyone saw it and believe me, no one has let her forget it."

"Wow, in a couple of years Druella may be your sister-in-law," said Rose beaming.

"Absolutely not," said Mary. "I will not let my brother marry someone as dim as Drool-ella Rosier."

Rose was suddenly distracted by a piece of parchment hanging out of her Divination book. She pulled it out and her heart raced as she read it.


            Meet me in the Room of Requirement tonight, seven o'clock. There's something I want to show you.

- T

Rose looked at her watch and it was already a ten till' seven. She needed to leave now or else she was going to be late.

"I'm sorry, I've got to go," said Rose as she quickly gathered her books.

"Where are you going?" asked Isabel.

"Tom wants to meet," she whispered. Isabel glanced at the note and a smirk spread across her face.

"Oh I see," said Isabel. "Well we will be impatiently waiting for intimate details when you get back."

"Don't wait up," smirked Rose as she turned on her heels and left the common room.

The Room of Requirement looked just as it did the last time she was here with Tom. For some reason she expected him to be standing in the middle of the room waiting for her, but he was hunched over the desk in the corner of the room, feverishly writing something on a piece of parchment. There was a single candle lit on the table. She knew that Tom must've heard her come in, yet he didn't say anything.

She studied his features as she walked towards him. His dark wavy hair was swept perfectly across his forehead. His dark eyes were fixated on whatever he was writing down and his jaw was clenched. His pale hands moved deftly, yet elegantly across the parchment. His school robes were folded neatly across the chair next to him.

"You wanted to see me," said Rose as she placed her bag in an empty chair across from Tom. He looked up at her for the first time.

"You're late," he casually answered as he put down the quill he was writing with and folded up the parchment.

"I only just found your note."

"I knew you had Divination today," he replied. "I assumed you'd open your textbook for your homework a little earlier."

"How did you put it in there without me knowing anyway?" Rose asked.

Tom smirked that world famous smirk of his that made Rose weak in the knees.

"I have my ways," he answered vaguely.

Rose chose to let it slide. "Why did you ask me to come here?"

He casually walked over to her with his hands in his tucked into his pockets.

"I see you've told your friends about us," he said.

"You told me it was okay," she said, getting nervous that he suddenly changed his mind.

"I'm aware of what I said," he replied, now a few feet away from her.

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