Chapter Twenty-Three - Surrender

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Christmas morning had arrived and brought a fresh blanket of fallen snow with it. Rose rolled over and looked out onto the grey streets as she pulled the covers up to her chin. She knew it was early, but she also knew that Edward was probably already up waiting for her.

She mustered the energy to roll out of bed, threw a jumper over her head and put on her slippers. When she opened her bedroom door she smelled cinnamon rolls and coffee. It smelled exactly like Christmas morning.

"Happy Christmas!" greeted Vivian as she entered the living room with a steamy cup of coffee in her hand. Her father was sitting on the couch with a copy of the Daily Prophet in one hand and a coffee in the other. Edward was sitting down by the Christmas tree scavenging for presents with his name on them and stacking them into a pile.

"Happy Christmas," greeted Rose, sleepily. For the first time since September, she actually had a peaceful nights sleep.

"Rose, I started your pile over there," said Edward pointing to a small stack of gifts.

Rose enjoyed spending Christmas morning with her family. She received many gifts that she was thankful for, but she was heartbroken when she didn't receive so much as a card from Mary or Isabel. She missed her friends dearly. She also secretly wished that Tom had sent her a Christmas gift, but she knew that kind of thing wasn't in his nature.

When it was time to return to Hogwarts, Rose was excited, but she would truly miss her parents. Now that she knew the truth, she felt closer to them than she ever had.

"Have a lovely term, dear," said Vivian as she hugged her daughter good-bye while they were on Platform 9 3/4. Rose hugged her tightly back.

"Edward, keep an eye on your sister," muttered Alan. "Report back if you see her with any boys."

Edward laughed but Rose did not find it amusing.

"Very funny, dad," she said.

"I'm serious Rose," he said. "I'm very wary of you dating a sixth year."

"Nobody is dating anyone," she lied. "I'll see you this summer."

She hugged her dad, bade them goodbye and headed towards the train with Edward.

"Rose, d'you mind if I go find my friends?" he asked.

"Course not," said Rose. "I don't expect you to sit with me. Go on."


Edward wandered off to find his friends, Rose passed a compartment that she saw Mary and Isabel had occupied. They watched her as she walked past, but she resisted looking at them.

She desperately wanted to go apologize, but she couldn't. She would have too much explaining to do. She didn't want to tell them the truth about what was going on with Tom. Hell, she wasn't even sure herself what was going on. She still needed more time to figure things out.

She wandered into an empty compartment, threw her trunk on one of the seats and flopped down. She was in desperate need of a nap.


The Great Hall was buzzing with excitement during dinner as the students excitedly chattered with their friends who were missed over the holidays. Rose had no intentions on sitting in the Great Hall eating her meal alone, so she opted instead for the Room of Requirement.

She knew Tom would be in the Great Hall with the rest of the students, but her heart sank when she entered the room and he wasn't there. Although, she did have a creeping suspicion that he would find her up here after dinner concluded. She was desperate to see him.

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