Chapter 27: Dreamscape

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I was in my familiar white nothingness for a while before I entered Addie's dream. We were surrounded by a shimmery silver mist with no walls, no ceiling, nothing at all, really— only mist. I could see the night stars peeking through when the air shifted. Addie sat cross-legged, looking up at them. She didn't move or even blink. Just waited. 

A rolling wave of mist curled up and over her legs. A slight breeze lifted a strand of hair off her shoulder and flipped it over. After a moment she took a deep breath and sighed. I kept expecting something to change, but it remained the same. 

Most dreams had something happening. The dreamer was focused on something else, someone else. But Addie knew I was coming, and she was only focused on me. 

I'd never seen anything like it. 

This wasn't one layer, like Mia's, but it wasn't a normal dream either. It was unique and amazing, just like Addie. 

She was wearing navy shorts and a gray tank top that almost blended with the mist. I stood for a minute, not wanting to disturb her. Her long hair shimmered like dark copper in the starlight, and I could make out the sprinkle of tiny freckles on her nose. Looking at her made me understand why the word "beautiful" was invented. "Pretty" just wasn't accurate. 

Walking over, I sat down beside her. The ground felt like a firm pillow, but I didn't pay much attention to it. The need to touch her was overwhelming, but my decision to distance myself from her made me hesitate. 

In this dream, for this moment, maybe it would be okay. Here, we were safe. After this, I would stay away. I would protect her. 

I would let her go. 

I took a deep breath and placed my hand on top of hers. Instantly she smiled, and my body warmed from the inside out. She wrapped her fingers around two of mine. I'd never noticed how much bigger my hand was than hers. 

"Hi," she whispered. She still hadn't looked at me, like she was afraid I wasn't really there. "Guess you still have your curse." 

I leaned forward until I caught her eye. "Looks like it." I watched the mist move through the dream around us. "This is different though." 

"Is it? I was just trying to think calm thoughts while I fell asleep." 

"Well, this is pretty calm." I watched the mist swirling around her. There were still so many things about this curse, and the dreams themselves, that I didn't understand. I'd never seen a Dreamer control a dream in this way. I don't know that anyone had ever tried, but still. She also seemed so aware, with none of the confusion the subconscious usually brings with it . . . she seemed almost awake. 

She grinned. "Lie down." 

I looked from her to the misty ground and back to her. What was she up to? 

"Relax and lie down." Addie laughed. "I want to see if you can sleep here." 

"Oh, did you use hypnosis?" I glanced around, certain she hadn't. Although it was similar to the stillness of Mia's painting dreams, I could feel a difference in my bones. 

Addie leaned back and scooted closer to me. "No, but I was hoping maybe it might work with me too." Her mouth curved up at the corner in a cute lopsided smile. She tugged on my hand until I lay on my side facing her. "Could you please cooperate—just this once?" She batted her eyelashes and then stuck her tongue out at me. 

I couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, but only this once. After that, I will be as uncooperative as possible." 


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