Time for meetings

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Whitney sent him a nervous glance as he was let inside Walker's home together with Peter. He just sent her a smile.

"I'll tell him you're here, Agent Burke," she said. "And Mr. Caffrey."

"No." Peter stopped her. "You've got an envelope?"

She sent him a stare.

"Sure. I'll get you one."

She soon returned with an envelope and Peter brought out one of his business cards and put it inside. He handed the envelope to Whitney.

"Now, give this to Mr. Walker, will you?"

She left.

Neal sent Peter a smug grin and his handler returned it. Then they followed Whitney up the stairs.

"Mr. Walker?" they heard Whitney ahead of them. "This just arrived for you."

They continued out on the patio where Walker still was burring golf balls in the Hudson River. Except now he held an FBI business card in his hand.

"It's only fair," Peter said. "You gave us a heads-up. I'm returning the favor."

Behind Neal came Jones and behind him a bunch of agents in FBI windbreaker jackets.

"Well, this is only going to help my lawsuit," Walker smiled.

"Mm, there won't be any lawsuit."

"And why is that?"

"Your inside woman. Renee talked."

"Why settle for twenty-five to life tomorrow," Neal said, "when you can plea-bargain today?" Walker met his eyes and Neal saw he knew he had lost. "Oh, next time, don't get caught," he added with the same sly smile Walker had given him.

Jones was there and pulled Walker's wrists behind his back. As he did he dropped his golf club and Neal caught it.

"Why settle for twenty-five to life tomorrow, when you can plea-bargain today?" the kid said and Peter saw, quite pleased, that Walker knew where that phrase came from. "Oh, next time, don't get caught."

The house always wins Peter thought when Jones cuffed Walker.

"Whitney, call Arthur," Walker said as he was led away. "Call the legal team."

Neal held Walker's abandoned golf club. He took off his hat and handed it to Peter as he stepped up on the platform and placed one of Walker's golf balls on the peg.


The kid just made a gesture for him to be patient. With a fast and precise swing, Peter saw the ball fly straight away like an arrow. So the previous shot was just to tease Walker then? And now he needed to prove to Peter that he could play golf as well? No, Peter smiled, it was probably just a matter of taking a souvenir.

"You ready?" Peter through him his hat and the kid caught it. With a flick of his hand, it was on his head.

"I am now."

He stepped down from the platform with the club on his shoulder. They walked inside.



"Leave the golf club."

Back in the car and all the way to the office they just enjoyed the taste of victory. Then it was paperwork. Walker refused to talk to them — no surprise there and it mattered little. They had enough proof without a confession. From his desk, Peter watched Neal over by his desk. It was just as good to get it over with.

White Collar - as an unofficial novel - part 6Where stories live. Discover now