The missing piece

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"Will Alex do it?" Peter asked and the kid nodded.

"She will. Because I promised her that I'll get rid of Russell."

"That's not actually up to you to promise that," Peter pointed out.

"I didn't promise that you would do it," Neal grinned. "But if you want to tell the world that Russell aided the FBI, you make my life a lot easier."

Peter looked at this pet convict and smiled. He could do that.

"Alright, I will. Just to keep you from doing something stupid."



"Alex doesn't trust the FBI."

"I know."

"Would it not make your life easier if she had someone within the Bureau she at least could have some faith in?"


"No, you. You've got a pretty good chance to make a new friend, of sorts."

Peter considered.

"Hypothetically, what would I have to do?"

"Help her out of the country."

Neal was right, it would make his life easier if Alex did not totally oppose the FBI. Maybe his young convict would not feel the same need to slip out of the territory to meet her if she could tolerate his situation. And he liked the idea of her out of the country.

"Where would she like to go?" he asked.

Peter watched the agent by the window of the diner. The agent was monitoring Oswald and Alex Hunter making a deal at the back of the room. Finally, she made a circle with her hand and he, Jones, and three agents in windbreakers marched across the street and into the diner.

They caught the couple right in a handshake.

"FBI! Don't move!" Jones yelled, gun drawn. Peter had a feeling that his fellow agent loved to burst inside, getting everyone's attention. "Hands on the table! Hands on the table!"

They both obeyed. Alex glanced towards the door as if she considered running. Or looking for Neal.

"George Oswald," Jones said, holstering his gun. "You're under arrest."

Oswald saw Peter behind Jones. When Jones pulled at his arm to get him to his feet he made no resistance.

"Nooo," he said, stunned to recognize Peter's face. "Nooo."

"Good to see you again, Professor." Peter felt good to outsmart the man who conned Neal. Jones cuffed Oswald. "Careful with his hands."

"I want to see my lawyer," the Professor said.

"Come on, get moving." They walked out and left him and an agent with Alex, who rose.

"Thank you, Miss Hunter," Peter said and picked up the briefcase with the coins.

"And I believe you've been looking for this," she said with a sigh and handed over a roll, which was likely the stolen painting. Peter put it under his arm, thinking too late that it was a painting worth six zeros.

"Per Neal's suggestion," he said and brought out an airline ticket folder from his inner pocket, "we've booked you on a secure flight to Italy. And we made sure we publicly thanked Russell for his thoughtful and continued cooperation with the FBI."

Alex held the folder, frowning at first, then she smiled, a genuinely happy smile.

"Neal said you were the best."

White Collar - as an unofficial novel - part 6Where stories live. Discover now