Rant: Immaturity

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It's something that we have all witnessed.

Whether it be a response like

"Your Mom!"


"That's what she said."

They all can come off as offensive.

Some people refuse to acknowledge that their words can hurt others, even if they are directing them at that person.

Yes I will admit, that even I, have snickered or giggled at some of these responses. I mean some are really witty.

But to honestly get down to it, immaturity isn't just about comebacks.
It's about how people represent themselves.

Being immature isn't the same as being stupid or funny.

Doing donuts in your truck while there is nothing but black ice on the ground, is stupid.

Laughing at a friend being physically injured or hurt, is immature.

But to get down to business, immaturity just makes me mad.

Many times immaturity and ignorance go hand and hand.

But what really makes me mad, is when you confront the person who saying immature things, but they refuse to acknowledge that they are being immature.

That's ignorant.

The most common example in these times,


Now many researchers have said that when people are scared of something they my joke and laugh about it.

But when you "joke" around, saying you have Ebola, when you cough once, is not only immature but it's also completely insensitive.

Do they not realize that people are dying from it everyday?

That the chance that some person in that classroom or lecture hall could have a friend or family member fighting for their life??

It sickens me to see kids and teenagers joke about such a serious matter.

I mean do they realize,

It's killing people?!?!?

Where has it ever been okay to joke about death?

How would you feel if I came up to you and started to joke about a person close to you that you've lost?

I'm pretty sure you would either feel bad or pissed at me, right?

Where do you see it okay to insult a person or their culture by mocking the dead?

That is ignorance.

Immaturity isn't only not acting in a way that is your age, but also not accepting when you are in the wrong.

And many adults still struggle with that today.

But to stop being immature, there is literally one step that you or anyone could take.


Think about the words that are about to come out of your mouth.

Think about the people that could be hurt by your words.

Think about how you would feel if it was directed at you.

Just Think.

Yes we all slip up sometimes, I do to.

We are all human.

But when that "slipping up" becomes frequent,

Is when you have a problem.

Sometimes you have to take a step back and assess the situation.

And if it doesn't feel right, say something.

Because I bet there are at least a few others in that room who are thinking the same thing but are too afraid to stand up.

Say something.

It will help stop the situation at hand and begin the process for those people to maybe stop acting so immature.

Trust me.


Authors Note:

Yes I thought I might as well talk about something that has been bothering me lately.

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